• Q U A T T U O R •

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~ L I L A ~
   We walk into class, standing with the rest of the students in the back as our teacher, Mr. Harold, assigns seats. He then stands next to the desks in the back corner on the right. He points towards the desk near the window "Edward Masonry," then the one in the middle, "Lila Spencer," then the one near the walk way, "Jasper Whitney." I send Ryan a look as I walk towards my seat. I sit down and watch as Ryan is older in front of me, thank god. I hear the seats next to me move. I turn and see 'Edward' then I turn the other way and see 'Jasper'. "Alright class, I'm Mr. Harold and I'll be your teacher. Today your gonna get to know the people sitting in your row. You are not aloud to move around, I have put three of you in each row for a reason. Get to know who the other two people are. Tomorrow you will get to know your column then the day after that you will get to know the whole class," he explains. "Now start getting to know each other," he tells us sitting down at his desk. Both boys turn towards me.

     "So...." I trail off looking down as I feel my anxiety start to rise. However it soon fades away and my face twists in confusion. I look up to see the boys looking at each other with small smirks as if they knew a secret. I shake it off, probably nothing. "Lila right?" Edward asks and I nod. "I'm Edward and this is my adoptive brother Jasper, though it's more of a friendship then brother bond. But you probably already knew that," he chuckles. "It's nice to meet you," I say ignoring the butterflies that his chuckle gave me. I bite my lip as silence surrounds us three. "Can you tell your friend Rosalie to not be mean to my best friend?" I blurt out. "Sorry," I blush. "Rosalie can be a little... rude sometimes. Especially when she feels jealous of someone," Jasper says, his accent clear as day. "Wait, jealous? Why would she be jealous?" I question. "Your friend is extremely pretty, Rosalie doesn't like competition," Edward explains.

However I felt as if he was lying about that but again I brush it off. "Mr. Harold said we had to get to know each other. Tell me about yourselves," I say. "What would you like to know?" Jasper asks. "Why'd you move to Scotland?" I ask. "New country new beginning," Edward says. I nod not wanting to push for more. "I expected more accents," Jasper replies honestly. I giggle at him causing them both to smile. "Accents are rare here, we're kind of just like America," I inform. "So how long have you been living in Edinburgh?" Edward questions. "My whole life, or from what I'm told," I say. They look at me confused.

    "I was adopted when I was born. My parents told me that I was born here," I tell them. They nod. "Well it's a beautiful city, no wonders it's the capital of Scotland," Jasper says looking outside at the sky. "I question why sometimes, I mean the weather isn't the best. It's hardly sunny here yet I understand the the beauty of the city shines no matter what," I say staring as some birds by fly in the sky. "All Beauty shines through no matter what... especially yours," Edward says and I look down blushing. "Remember that Lila," Jasper says and I nod. "I will," I tell them. And i was telling the truth, i would.
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WC: 608

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