Cheater Emerald X Male Reader

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- flashback -

I was sitting on a field at the park, hand in hand with my beautiful girlfriend emerald. Her smooth green hair flowing in the red. She glanced at me, making me fall for her even more with every second I looked at her beautiful face, those ruby red eyes looking into mine. She smiled as she leaned in close to me, planting a soft gentle kiss on my lips. We both smiled as she rested her head on my chest closing her eyes. "I love you so much emerald" I said, holding her close to me. She snuggled closer as I faintly heard her whisper "love you too".

- flashback end -

- present time -

Lately, emerald has been avoiding me. Whenever I ask her if we can go out to a movie or to maybe go shopping she always declines with a simple "sorry. Can't" or "maybe next time". It was slightly worrying because I know for a fact, when your girlfriend is avoiding ou and giving you vague reasons as to why....they're more then likely cheating. However I didn't want to believe that, it just could not be possible. We'd been together for 3 years now and those 3 years were full of happiness and love. What could've possibly changed over one month? Besides, I know she just wasn't that kind of person. She just wasn't. I know that if she wasn't feeling this relationship anymore then she'd tell me and we'd talk about. I dismissed all thoughts of her possibly cheating on me and sat down to relax. "Maybe she's just been busy...that's all...." I layed back and closed my eyes. "A nap...a nap will help me get over it" as I was about to fall asleep, I heard the front door open. I instantly shot up and walked over to see emerald taking off her shoes. "Em you're home!" I said as I hugged her. "Yup" was all she said. I pulled away and looked her up and down. " look like a mess. Messy hair and all" I chuckled at this remark. She just shrugged as she walked past me. I softly grabbed her shoulder. "A-are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked her, now getting worried again. She just shook her head. "I'm fine. I'm gonna have a shower" with that she just walked off to the bathroom. I sighed as I walked back over to the couch. "Missed you too..." I mumbled as I layed back down.

Emeralds POV:

I had just gotten out of the shower, now drying myself off. As I looked in the mirror, I noticed the hickeys on my neck and collar. "Ah...he always knows how to make me have a good time" I giggled as I walked out of the bathroom with my towel around me. I was about to enter the room when Y/N called out to me. "Ugh..yes?" I said trying to sound enthusiastic. "Emerald...i-I've really been missing you...and I really think we should talk about thi-" I interrupted him. "Can we talk about this another time? I'm too tired dude" I said as an excuse. "D-dude? You''ve never called me dude before emerald" he sounded like he was gonna cry. I shook my head as I was trying to think of another excuse. "Y/N ive just been really busy lately and I'm tired. Can we please just talk some other time?" I asked, a hint of annoyance in my voice. He just looked down and nodded. "Thanks" I said as I walked into the room and closed the door. I got into my pajamas and got into bed. I checked my phone to see I had me messages from neptune. "Hehe"

- timeskip -


Lately, emerald has been way more distant from me. In fact, she's literally not been here in a week. I decided to stop waiting around for her and I just went to the park to relax. Taking in the warmth of the sun as I take in the fresh air was really refreshing for me. I smiled as I listened to the birds chirping. I was especially happy because I had a way to get emerald back to her usual self. I bought her a ring today. A diamond ring and it was just as beautiful as her. I was humming some music to myself when all of a sudden I got a text message from her. "Hey. Come home. I have a surprise for you" my smile widened as I was so happy to finally be able to see her again. I raced to my car and drove home.

- timeskip -

I pulled up to our house. I got out the car and ran to the door opening it but....I could hear faint moans...but from 2 people. I started getting scared so I ran to my room and the moans were louder. I then opened the door to see.....emerald amd Neptune....having sex. My eyes widened in disbelief and horror. They both looked at me. I expected some excuses or for them to stop but instead..she just smiled evily. "Hey baby~surprise hehe,you like what you see?" She asked she was being fucked by neptune. He chuckled. I felt my my heart shatter. "E-emerald...why...what..what are you doing?" I asked with a weak shaky voice. She just giggled as she softly pushed neptune off of her and walked up to me. "Y/N. Being all lovey dovey can only entertain me for so long before it gets boring. I need the naughty side of life too amd that's clearly where you are lacking. But neptune knows exactly how to fill that hole you couldn't, literally hehe". So, she breaks my heart then she spits on it. I felt the tears rushing down my cheeks. "Look at how pathetic you are. Neptune, you know what to do" she said. He just walked up to me amd punched me straight in the face. I fell to the floor and held my nose as it bled. I looked up at them and she smirked as she kissed him. "Get out Y/N you bitch boy" she said. "Leave this house so I can enjoy neptune in peace" my entire world had been destroyed. "....yes emerald...." I got up as I walked out of the room crying to myself. "Where....where did I go wrong...".

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