Chapters 261-270

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Chapter 261: Destroy!

According to the memories Qin Lie had analyzed, he knew that the Horned Demon Race was just one of the evil races in the Nether Realm. They did not make up all of them.

The size of the Nether Realm exceeded Qin Lie’s imagination. This part of the Nether Realm that connected to Scarlet Tide Continent was but a small portion of the entire Nether Realm.

He learned from the few Horned Demon warriors’ memories that this particular clan of the Horned Demon Race consisted of dozens of towns and cities. Yet this clan was just a single offshoot of the Horned Demon Race. The entire Horned Demon Race was made up of dozens of similar clans.

Song Tingyu and Qin Lie had temporarily changed directions and readied themselves—not to return to Nether Battlefield immediately but to do their best in attacking and destroying Horned Demon cities and towns, crippling their offense on the Scarlet Tide Continent.

Qin Lie had analyzed the memories and had a clear understanding of the surrounding Horned Demon cities. With him leading the way, the two of them began to attack one such city.

The Terminator Profound Bomb had a clear effect when used in sieging cities. As the Terminator Profound Bombs exploded one after another, seven Horned Demon cities were flattened. The Horned Demon warriors inside the city were either killed by the Terminator Profound Bombs or Song Tingyu.

Everywhere they went, Horned Demon cities were destroyed and many Horned Demon warriors were eliminated.

Among these cities, they had encountered many other captured humans.

These people had been imprisoned for many years. The human women were used by the male Horned Demons to release their carnal desires. The human men were used as hatcheries to raise the demonic insects of Nether Realm. The blood of both were sacrificed to the Demon God…

In the Nether Realm, these captured humans had experienced the darkest part of their lives. They could not even die as they lived a life worse than cattle.

These people had all chosen to die painlessly after Qin Lie and Song Tingyu had destroyed the Horned Demon cities.

Not a single one of them wanted to live in pain any longer.

As a result, Song Tingyu had thrown down pills to help them along their way.

Every time this happened, Qin Lie and Song Tingyu hardened their resolve to destroy the Horned Demons.


The outer world, Armament City.

The decrepit city walls were crawling with all sorts of ugly Nether Realm plants. The sky was perpetually dark and nether demonic energy hung overhead like thick black clouds, preventing sunlight from shining down.

Inside a cellar, Gao Yu still cultivated singlemindedly, borrowing the thick nether demonic energy to cultivate the Nine Hell Wandering Soul Record and familiarizing himself with the remnant soul of the Demon God inside the Ogre-faced Rings, merging with it little by little.

That day, Gao Yu’s body suddenly shuddered as wisps of wraiths and ghosts lurked within his eyes.

There was a Soul Lake as black as ink inside his mind, seemingly formed from those wraiths and ghosts, reflecting all sorts of evil within people’s hearts.

His body released an extremely dark and evil aura. The terrifying shadow of the Demon God could be faintly seen deep within his pupils.


Gao Yu suddenly lifted his head and howled.

Seething black demonic energy wildly surged out from within his Ogre-faced Rings. As if the energy had turned into a pair of demonic wings, it suddenly pulled him into the skies.

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