Names and Birth

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Evelyn's POV

"Well I think they're lovely names and it's Bella's decision. Along with Edward's" I tell Rose. Just then Edward and Jacob enter the room. "Did they get away?" I ask and they nod their heads.

"You ok?" Bella asks Jacob.

"Yeah, it's not like I'm the one carrying a demon" Jacob tells her.

"Jacob behave" I tell him firmly and then return my attention to Bella.

"This is pretty important, Bella. Why don't you tell Jacob what you've decided?" Rose suggests. I smile nodding my head in agreement.

"What now?" Jacob asks looking confused and worried.

"Rose is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names" Edward tells him.

"She hates them" Bella states.

"Not hate, just dislike" Alice corrects her.

"Then I'm on your side, no matter what you picked" Jacob tells Bella.

"They're not that bad" I tell Rose.

"If it's a boy, EJ. Edward-Jacob" Bella says smiling.

"Ok fine, that one's not awful" Rose relents and I giggle.

"Why don't you tell them the girls name" I tell Bella. While Alice went to the kitchen.

"I was playing around with our moms' names. Renée and Esme. And I was thinking... Renesmee" Bella explains.

"Renesmee" Jacob says with a little difficulty.

"To weird?" Bella asks him.

"Um..." Jacob says lost for words and I glare at him lightly.

"No, that's not too weird. It's beautiful. And it's unique, which certainly fits the situation" Edward assures her.

"I love Renesmee" I tell her smiling. Just then Alice appears with some more blood for Bella.

"They like it" Bella tells Rose smugly and she rolls her eyes. She goes to grab the cup from Alice and a loud crack fills the air. She begins to fall and Edward catches her.

"Carlisle's study now" I instruct. "Alice call Carlisle" I tell her as Edward picks up Bella. We run to Carlisle's study that had been set up for the birth and Bella's transformation.

"Rosalie pass the morphine" Edward instructs as he places Bella on the hospital bed after changing her into a hospital gown. Alice appears on the phone. Rosalie give Edward a needle full of morphine.

"Carlisle said the placenta must have detached" Alice tells us. That means Bella has gone into labor. As Edward gives Bella the morphine shot. "He's coming as fast as he can, but..." she starts to explain.

"We'l have to do it" Rosalie states as she grabs a scalpel and goes to cut Bella's stomach.

"Rosalie no!" I shout as Edward grabs her wrist.

"Let the morphine spread" he tells her.

"There's no time. He's dying" Rosalie states.

"Get him out now!" Bella shouts and Edward lets go of Rosalie's hand. She cuts Bella's stomach and stills at the sight of her blood.

"Rosalie no!" Edward shouts tackling her away from Bella. "Alice get her out of here!" he instructs. Alice drags Rosalie out as Bella calls out to her desperately.

"It'll be ok Bella" I assure her.

"Save her! You've got to change her" Jacob tells Edward.

"I can't, not while he's still in there" Edward states.

"He has to get him out first" I add.

"Stay, Bella. Stay focused" Jacob tells her.

"Keep your heart beating Izzy" I tell her stroking her hair.

"No! He's suffocating!" Bella screams. Edward rips the embryonic sac with his teeth and pulls the baby out. I hand him a blanket.

"Hey hey, it's Renesmee" he announces handing her to Bella.

"You're beautiful" Bella states looking at her baby who bites her. I pull her away from Bella.

"No Renesmee, we don't bite people. Especially family" I scold the baby gently. I notice Bella lose the light in her eyes. "Edward, venom now" I tell him.

Rosalie appears and escorts me from the room taking Renesmee from my arms. We bath her together and wrap her in white blanket. Then sit in the living room by the fireplace. "She has Izzy's eyes" I state as Rosalie hold her up.

"And Edwards hair" she states.

"Can I hold my great niece now?" I ask giving her a playful glare. She giggles handing Renesmee to me. As we hear Edward shout for Alice and Jasper. "Go Rosalie, they need you. The wolves won't get near her with fear of hurting me" I tell her. Just then Jacob is thrown into the wall.

"Lets go" Edward says and Rosalie follows the others outside.

"You okay Jacob?" I ask as I rock Renesmee.

"I'm fine, I have to stop this. Stay with Nessie" he tells me before running after the others. I look back at Renesmee and she places her little hand on my cheek. I see a flush of Bella's face after the birth.

"Someone is gifted" I say with a smile kissing the palm of her hand. "Your mother will be fine along with everyone else. Jacob will see to that" I tell her and she smiles. Soon everyone comes in and Carlisle goes to check on Bella. Before coming to meet Renesmee who is getting a cuddle from Grandma Esme.

"I'm happy to announce the venom worked and Bella should wake in a couple of days. A normal vampire and Renesmee is perfectly healthy" Carlisle tells us all. We cheer and smile as Edward holds his daughter.

"Well I'm tired, so I'll see you all in the morning. Oh and Renesmee is gifted" I state and go to leave. But Emmet and Jasper block my way.

"Please explain Evelyn" Esme tells me.

"While you were all busy fighting she placed her hand on my cheek. I saw a flash of Bella after the birth. She can project images into others head through touch and some feelings. She was worried about Bella and I assured her, Bella would be fine. Can I sleep now?" I ask and the boys part the way for me. I go to my room and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.


Picture above of Renesmee Carlie Cullen.

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