Gathering Witnesses

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Evelyn's POV

Alice and Jasper left, they crossed the ocean the night she had the vision. Without telling anyone. Only leaving a note saying we have until the snow sticks to gather as many witnesses as we can.

So we've split into groups Carlisle and Esme. Rosalie and Emmet. Right now Jacob, Edward, Bella, Renesmee and I are in Alaska. At the Denalis house. I'm sitting in the back seat with Renesmee and Jacob. Edward got out and went over to the waiting Denali's to speak to them first. We waited for his signal.

He gave it and Bella turns to look at us. "Ok, time to meet some new people" she tells Renesmee.

"What if they don't like me?" she asks worried.

"Impossible" I tell her smiling.

"They'll love you" Jacob assures her.

"They will, once they understand" Bella adds. We all get out of the car and I hold Renesmee close. If she were truly what vampires thought she was, no way she'd be able to stand so close to me.

"She's not what she looks like" Edward assure them. But Kate and Tanya attack, Bella went to help Edward.

"Enough of this, if she were truly want she look like. Then how can she stand so close to me without attacking" I state firmly. That stops them all realizing there was a human among them.

"She has blood in her veins. You can feel her warmth" Edward states. Carmen says she can feel it. "I'm her biological father, Bella her mother" he adds.

"Impossible" Kate says.

"It's true" Bella insists.

"She was born while Bella was still human" I tell them. "She can show you, if you let her" I add. As Jacob, Renesmee and I approach the vampires.

"Tanya, you owe us this much. We're all under a death sentence because your sister didn't let us explain" Edward tells her. Jacob brings Renesmee to Tanya and goes to place her hand on her cheek.

"Don't be afraid, it's how she communicates" Bella tells Tanya. She relaxed as Renesmee placed her palm on her cheek. When she pulled her hand away Tanya looked at her family.

"It's true. She's not immortal" she tells them. Everyone else takes a turn and then Carmen invites us inside out of the cold. "What I don't understand is why you're here?" Tanya says confused.

"I've known about vampires since I was a child. I never said anything as I figured you had laws about keeping your race a secret. Besides other humans would of called me crazy. I was there when Irina saw Renesmee using her enhanced abilities. The Volturi believe the Cullens told me about vampires" I explain.

"So they'll kill you or turn you" Kate states.

"More likely turn, considering the ability she would have" Eleazar states and we all look at him. "I have the ability to sense abilities in others and what the ability does. I since great power in you if you were to turn" he explains.

"Yeah, right now I want to ensure my great niece is safe. I'll worry about turning some other time" I tell him.

"You should all stay the night, we'll return to Forks tomorrow. Went for other witnesses" Carmen states. We all agree and she shows Jacob & I to our separate rooms for the night.

(Next day/ Cullens house)

Shortly after we got back Carlisle's four friends from Egypt arrived. They're names were Amun, Benjamin, Kebi and Tia. Renesmee showed Benjamin the truth first then the others. But then they noticed a human was in the house. I was conversing with Carmen at the time.

"Why is there a human here?" asked the man I believe to be Amun.

"The human has a name and ears" I tell him coolly. "I am Evelyn, Bella's aunt and Renesmee's great aunt. No matter how many human drinking vampires arrive, I will continue to see them. Once things are settled with Renesmee, I will present myself to the Volturi. They will decide my fate" I explain.

"Aunt Evy, I'm sure Charlie has missed you. Why don't you go see him?" Bella suggests.

"Of course, but I meant what I said Bella. Nothing will stop me from coming here" I tell her before leaving. I then returned to Charlie's and we had dinner at the diner.

(Couple days later)

I'm at the Cullens again and there are now seventeen vampires. Twelve of which drink human blood. Carlisle and Esme will soon return with the final witness. Another human drinking vampire. More Quileutes have shifted due to the amount of vampires crossing their territory. "A lot of red eyes around here" Jacob mumbles to Bella and I.

"They agreed not to hunt in the area" Bella tells him.

"But they'll hunt somewhere" we remind her. Just then Carlisle and Esme returned with Alastir, the final witness. Who disappeared into the attic.

"Evelyn, I don't think you're safe here" Esme tells me gently.

"I'm not abandoning my nieces, besides Renesmee is half human. With you guy, Jacob and the Denalis watching out for me. There's no way these vampires will hurt me" I assure her. "Now, what's the plan for when the snow sticks?" I ask them.

"Us vampires and shifters will meet the Volturi in the clearing. Prove to them that Renesmee is no threat. You will remain here in this house until we return with Aro, Marcus and Caius" Carlisle tells me.

"Then I will present myself to them and they may decide what to do with me" I state.

"On the way back though, we'll allow Aro to see mine and Eleazar thoughts about you. I'm sure if Alice appears she'll have a vision to show him about you being one of us. We won't let you die" Esme states.

"It's not your call, if the Volturi decide to kill or turn me. You all cannot interfere" I tell her firmly. "Now, tell me about your trip" I say smiling. Esme sighs and starts to tell me about her journey with Carlisle.

(Next day)

Zarafina is demonstrating her ability to make others see things on Edward, Bella and I. Right now I see a forest and it sounds so rule. "If Bella weren't holding my hand right now, I could swear this was real" Edward states.

"I believe this is real also" I say smiling at an exotic bird.

"I don't see anything" Bella states.

"Edward, you didn't tell me your wife is a shield" Eleazar states as the illusion disappears.

"What's a shield?" Bella and I ask them.

"The ones I've met are so different" Edward says smiling at Bella.

"It's a defensive talent" Eleazar tells Bella and I.

"It's why I couldn't read your mind, even before. It's why Aro couldn't" Edward tells Bella.

"You have a very powerful gift" Eleazar tells her. Kate suddenly appears and touches Bella's hand. I see sparks flying from her hand.

"Oh she's a shield alright, that should of put her on her arse" she states smirking.

"Or your voltage has been exaggerated" Garret says cockily.

"Or maybe it only works on the weak" she says wiggling her fingers at him. Daring him to teach her. I warned him not to, but he still did. Garrett touches his finger to Kate's hand and he's instantly electrocuted and falls to the ground.

"You are an amazing woman" Garrett tells her. She smiles at him as I smile at them. I think we're witnessing the beginning of a new couple. Suddenly we heard barking in the distance.

"Aunt Evy go inside, stay close to Rosalie and Carmen" Bella tells me. I roll my eyes, since when was I the child and she the adult? I do as she suggests and return to the house. I find Renesmee with Rosalie and start to play with her. Wondering what it'd be like to have a child one day.


Picture above of the twenty witnesses.

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