First Day in Volterra

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Evelyn's POV

I wake up to breakfast in bed served by Marcus. "Thank you Marcus, this is really sweet" I tell him. As I prop myself up on the pillows.

"I told you, you'd be treated like a queen" he reminds me smiling. He places the tray on my lap and I see a full English breakfast. With a cup of coffee.

"You know I won't be able to ate all of this" I tell him as I grab a piece of crispy bacon.

"Just eat what you can, I have a big day planned for us" he tells me.

"Let me guess, you won't tell me what these plans are?" I ask him.

"Right" he says tapping my nose and I giggle. "That's a musical sound" he tells me and I blush. "I will tell you one thing about today, we will be spending it together" he adds.

"Sounds perfect, we can get to know each other better" I tell him.

"My thoughts exactly" he tells me smiling. I finish eating and go get ready for the day. I come out of the bathroom in a robe as I forgot to bring my clothes to the bathroom. I have clean underwear on, just now anything else. I go to get something from the wardrobe but Marcus blocks my way.

"Put this on" he tells me holding out a garment bag. I notice he's wearing a suit. I accept it and go back into the bathroom. I unzip the bag to find a maroon dress with a lace bodice. I put it on and brush my hair out. I exist the bathroom.

"What do you think?" I ask Marcus doing a little twirl.

"Beautiful" he says kissing my hand. He links our arms and leads me from the room. "Now we can't go outside until nighttime due to the sunny day. But there is plenty to do here in the meantime" he tells me.

"I could use a tour, I'd get lose trying to navigate this place alone" I tell him. Soon we spend the next two hours touring the place. We then go to a library. I find a book and curl up on a window seat with it.

"You like to read?" he asks  as he sits behind me. The curtains are closed so no one will see him sparkle.

"I do, but never got to do it often due to work" I tell him.

"What did you do for work?" he asks me.

"I organized fundraisers to help stop global warming and I also have a nursing decree. I was a nurse in Forks" I explain. "Did you ever have a job as a human?" I ask him curious.

"I was a writer, though my father wanted me to go into politics like him" he explains.

"I'd love to read something you've written sometime" I tell him smiling.

"I would be honoured to have you read something I've written" he says smiling down at me. "So what would you want to name our child in future?" he asks me.

"I always liked the name Rose for a girl, my grandmother loved roses and I was very close to her" I tell him.

"Nice name, but how about Rosetta instead?" he suggests.

"Lovely, but I never really thought about a boys name. Have you?" I ask him.

"I never thought of having children until I meet you" he states.

"That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard" I tell him smiling. He smiles back and kisses my forehead. I snuggle into his chest as I continue to read the book I'd borrowed.

"Did you have any other plans for the future? Aside from marrying and starting a family" he asks me.

"I always wanted a dog, an Irish Setter actually. I had one growing up and I wanted my child to have one also" I tell him.

"My mother used to breed Greek shepherds" he tells me. "I used to enjoy playing with the pups as a child" he states. We continue to swap past stories, my book forgotten. He then takes me to his and his brothers' study for lunch. We then explore there inside greenhouse for the afternoon, discussing the different plants there.

But now he is taking me out for dinner at a restaurant. Where he orders  me a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. Along with a bottle of wine. Marcus eats the pasta with me as there is to much for me. Suddenly a small band appears beside us and starts to play Bella Notte. I blush as I take more pasta.

However Marcus grabbed pasta as well. A strand of pasta joined our mouthfuls each. Pulled us together and we kissed gently. I look away blushing and he just smiles holding a hand out to me. I take it confused and he pulls me up as he stands. He pulls me close and we start to waltz to the music.

I look into his eyes and I could of sworn I saw grey eyes looking into my hazel ones. But when I blinked they were their usual red. I lay my head on his chest enjoying our moment. When he pulls away and gets down on one knee.

"Evelyn, I know we agreed to date a little before I proposed. But this first day has been amazing. I want nothing more then to be with you for eternity. So will you please marry me?" he asks me.

"Today has been perfect and I can see a bright happy future with you Marcus. So yes, yes I will marry you" I tell him. He puts the beautiful ring on my finger and pulls me into his arms.

"I'm going to kiss you now darling" he tells me gently. I just stand on my tip toes and meet him half way. As we kisses I felt fireworks going off where we touched. We soon have to pull away so that I can breath. We then go for a walk around the town arms linked.


Picture above of the engagement ring and picture on the external link of the spaghetti and meatballs. Song above of Bella Notte.

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