2.3 There Are Still People Who Love You

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Yao Yan made a pushing action with her hand, moving all the glass to the side and frantically ran up to Qiu Yue.

"What are you doing!? Qiu Yue!"

She immediately sat Qiu Yue down and with a first aid box that seemed to appear out of nowhere, bandaged her hand, first cleaning the wounds and using the mysterious force to remove the glass shards.

Seeing Qiu Yue looked at her as if she hadn't done anything, Yao Yan really felt frustrated.

"How can you do this, why do you behave like this?"

It seemed like Qiu Yue was listening this time, as she looked at Yao Yan. But right now, Yao Yan felt very frustrated, so how could she stop there?

"You told me that I had to look for the beauty in life. That life was always worth living! That no matter what we shouldn't ever give up on it, that it was a gift!"

"What are you doing now? Acting like this, ignoring everything and everyone!"


Qiu Yue felt tears clogging her throat again.

"What do you know? No matter how I lived. No matter what happened, no matter who hated me, it didn't matter. Even if I didn't have a physical home, I didn't care, because I thought I carried home with me, in my heart!"

"I let that person into my heart, Huo Zi Feng was home to me! After losing that... how do I go on? Why should I?!"

"You- did you ever think about others who love you? Did you?!"

Qiu Yue felt even more upset listening to Yao Yan. She knew that what she was saying was right, she knew that she'd left people behind, brushed their concern aside. But she couldn't see anything else, she didn't want to see anything else.

She stood up, barely standing up straight as her head started spinning again, and started to leave. Seeing her like this, Yao Yan pushed Qiu Yue back down.

"No. Just stay. Rest for now. Please."

Although Qiu Yue wanted to resist, the effects of the medicine were finally hitting her and she couldn't stand up again.

Just like that, both feeling frustrated and upset, Qiu Yue and Yao Yan went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Yao Yan woke up to check on Qiu Yue and sighed in relief seeing her still asleep.

Yao Yan meant what she had said. She knew what losing Huo Zi Feng meant for Qiu Yue, but why was it that even though she was right here, it didn't matter?

Perhaps Yao Yan couldn't see that even though Qiu Yue herself didn't realize it right now, without Yao Yan being there, she may have truly given up on life.

Waking up early in the morning, Qiu Yue felt slightly better, her head was no longer pounding but she still felt as though she had been hit by a truck. Sticking her head out slightly to peek inside the guest bedroom, she found Yao Yan fast asleep.

Yao Yan had probably been checking on her through the night, combined with the fatigue of the journey it was not surprising that she had fallen dead asleep.

Qiu Yue quietly slipped onto something more comfortable and walked to the only place she knew for now, the idol agency. Funnily enough, she still hadn't read anything about this world or what its story was but that was because Qiu Yue herself had no purpose, her body had automatically walked to the practice room.

This time around though, Qiu Yue was a bit more alert, it seemed like the majority of the other trainees and even official idols were very careful around her. Even though their eyes clearly showed that they were full of hatred and disgust, on the surface they all shamelessly kept flattering her.

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