2.8 Oh Heavens!

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NOTE: Please play "Shang Ye 上邪- 秋千" on YouTube to get the full effect of the chapter!

Qiu Yue's eyes opened to such bright light that she almost felt blinded. She just wanted to turn back and fall asleep but then she realized that there were sounds in the apartment; crackling of a pan as though someone was cooking, shuffling of footsteps...

Qiu Yue blinked once and then sat up straight, thinking of what weapon she could grab to defend herself when she saw him walking into the room.

For a second, just for a split second, it felt like it was Huo Zi Feng. Cooking for her in the morning? Who else could it be?

After all, he'd promised her he'd always be there when she woke up...

But it wasn't. She smiled ruefully at her wild fantasies while looking curiously at Qiao Feng.

"What's up Mr. Manager?"

"Breakfast. Eat up fast and then we need to go back to the agency. You have that live performance and interview scheduled today."

He motioned with his head to the kitchen with a cool look on his face.

Qiu Yue's lips twitched at his response.

"That's all well and good but I meant more along the lines of, why are you here?"

Qiao Feng didn't even bother to wait for her response before turning around and walking away, just leaving behind one sentence.

"It's my job."

Qiu Yue hurried to stand up and stop him but he was already gone. She couldn't help but shake her head. She quickly washed up and then changed to something simple yet classy before joining him at the- *her* table.

"I'm pretty sure it's not your job to make breakfast and wake me up."

She shot him a sharp look even as she picked up the fork and started digging into the food.

...food is important okay?

Qiao Feng finally couldn't stop the smile that was creeping into his face when she immediately stopped asking questions after the first bite. She was so cute! Her actions reminded him of a cat, just quietly watching him, asking questions, very languidly and laid back. And yet the moment he got too close she would push him away. It felt like she was a cat that had lived a life of luxury before losing her owner. She knew she deserved the best and wanted nothing else.

After polishing everything on the table, as she sipped her glass of grape juice Qiu Yue spoke up quietly.

"Fine. I'll allow you to wake me up and make breakfast every day!"

Such words, perhaps he wouldn't have listened if it had been anyone else, but seeing that sweet teasing smile on her face he just shook his head smiling slightly.

It didn't take long for them to get to the agency. Qiao Feng had his own work, while Qiu Yue practiced for the show that evening. After that, they went to the channel's studio. For a prime time TV show in which every week idols, actors and celebrities would perform their part followed by a short interview. Their ratings were very high and it was very popular.

Having a high status does come in handy, Qiu Yue thought. There was no way she would have gotten this opportunity otherwise. Unlike all those books she'd read about the protagonist being oppressed by the other idols and Stars, it actually wasn't the truth, sure they weren't friendly but they were all polite.

The biggest difference was that none of them had the time to do all that, because they were all on a very tight schedule. And since it was all live it was very important that all the people invited did their parts perfectly.

Quick Transmigrations: Destroy Harems System!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora