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Y/N pov

"You worthless piece of shit!" He cried throwing you across the floor, hitting the sofa. "Why do I let you live here?" He spat, "You just are a waste of space." He crossed the room in 3 quick strides, holding his fists up. I braced myself, ready to defend.

He pounds me in the jaw.

My eyes flutter open with a gasp. His words echo in my head. "Worthless piece of shit!" And, "you are just a waste of space."  His words make my eyes blurry, clouding them up with tears. He never, ever will love me again. I thought as I think back to a memory I created with my Dad, a good one. Before he started to drink. Before Mom just gave up on living. Before the accident. Before we lost my brothers.

"David!" I yelled. I hated being the seeker. " Sammy, Mom, Dad! Come out!" I yelled, trying to see if anyone would fall for my yelling.

Sammy pops out of the bushes. I sprint towards him, tackling him from behind. "Gotcha!" I say my h/c hair getting in my eyes.

"No fair" Sammy wines as he pushes me off him. We stand up. Looking forward we try too find people.

Arms grab me.

"No I gotcha!" Dad says now holding both Sammy and I. Mom is giving David a piggyback ride behind him. All our faces have smiles, smiles that could light up the room if we weren't outside.

Tears are now streaming down my face. We were so happy. My mind repeated making me tear up more. They had a life, we all had a life a future. Then that car hit the boys. Hit them off their bikes, and off this earth.

After my tears stoped falling, I glance at the clock. 6:00 am. I stood up heading to my bathroom. I had a few things there, just the bare necessities. I brush my hair, brush teeth, and grab some clothes.

The clothes I grabbed were simple. A long black sweater, with some high waisted jeans, some black converse, and my necklace. My necklace was a simple dove. I wore my hair down, it's h/l cut covering the scars on my neck.

I walk down the stairs, and out the door. My used truck I got yesterday, sitting in the driveway. I hop in, and drive to school.

Emotion (Jasper Hale x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now