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Y/N pov:

The drive is smooth. My tires moving on the road as I see a sign.

Forks High School it read, as I pulled in almost running over the curb.

Okay. I can do this. I can do this. My breathing hitched. I can't do this. I can't. I can't. My hands start shaking. I haven't been to a school in 7 years. I can't do this. My body's now trembling. I can't. My mind holds me back.

But my body moves me forward. The truck door opens as my feet hit the parking lot floor. My hand moves forward and closes the door closed. My eyes shift down, my gaze now on the  ground. It stays there even as I hear,

"Yo, I think she might be new."

"I don't recall seeing her either. Do you?" A second voice asked.

My eyes shift upward, looking at them through my eyelashes. A group of boys stand near a car. The car was two cars down from my truck. Pulling my head all the way up, I take a deep breath and look around. There were many groups of students some outside, some inside. But one group caught my eye.

A group is standing in a dark corner next to a Shiny Volvo. They were talking, then two of the guys turn around. One of them had curly blond hair, and one had a reddish-brown. The others saw the boys turn, then did so themselves.

Crap. They're staring at me.

My hands start to sweat. Then restarted to shake. Why now? Ughhhhhh. I hate being socially awkward.

The reddish-brown haired guy laughed. The blonde continued to stare. He switched his vision, glareing at the guy who just laughed.

They all look serious. Everyone now looking at them both. As if communicating with their minds. I look closer, their mouths were just moving very fast. I need to stop being nosey. I turn. Now where's the office.

A hand grabs me.

"You look new here." A guy I've never seen before is standing right behind me.

My breath hitches, the memory of my Dad grabbing me shows up.

Tonight will be nice. Wrong. My bedroom door slams open, leaving my dad in the doorway with a half empty beer bottle.
Not today. I slowly backed up towards the already unlatched window. When I reach it, my hand slowly slides it up.

"Bitch no you don't!" Dad yells walking towards me. I try to get out one leg swing over the other, but he grabs my arm.

"Not today." He says an evil grin spreading across his face.

"Ummm earth to New Girl." The new guy says as he is waving a hand in my face.

"I'm sorry...ummm I have to go." I mutter, walking fast into a building. On a table in the front there is a basket of schedules for students who haven't picked theirs up yet. Mine was sitting at the top.

I grabbed it, headed back outside, heading towards my car. I can climb in there. I should be able to at least think about something else! Anything else.

What I didn't know was I was being watched by that family in the corner the whole time.

Emotion (Jasper Hale x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now