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Y/n pov

Rosalie and Esme were sitting on the outer sides of me on the couch. The smile from earlier still adorned my face, even though I was filled with pain. Every so often my face would show a grimace, but it would return to a smile. I'm 17. My smile grew bigger and bigger.

Alice burst through the door. "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" She screamed throwing her arms around me. All the Cullens were back and looked confused. "EDWARD TOLD ME ON THE WAY BACK! WHAT THE CRAP WOMAN!" She yelled squeezing me even more.

"Alice I just released what day it was- and can you please stop squeezing me?" Jasper seemed to pick up on my good mood.

"Y/n honey, why are you so happy? Aren't you in pa-"

"Shhhhhh." I say not having him remind me of the burning sensation that is in my body. "Besides I'm now 17." I whisper the last part.

"Really?" Jasper questions.

I nod. My cheeks flushed. Everyone attacked me in a hug.

"Forever 17" Emmett says. He chuckles. "Sunshine lived 17 long years."

"They were long indeed." I mumble.

"WE NEED TO CELEBRATE!!!!" Alice screams running away from me dashing up the stairs.

Jasper breaks out in laughter as he looks at my horrified face. "You can never pull Alice back when she hears about an opportunity to have a party." He sighs. I still look mortified. "You'll be fine." He says his hand goes onto my lap. Calm washes through me.

"Your not one for parties?" Bella asks.

I nod. "I never really had one. My dad had some with his friends but-" I shiver.

"When I was human." Bella starts. "I didn't like them either." She gives me a look of understanding. She then looks at the rest of the Cullens. Edward and her burst out in laughter. "Once Alice threw a party for me. Let's just say after a little paper cut, all went down hill." Everyone chuckles, and I smile.

My body ached. The burning was now stronger going into my heart. My body leaned sideways into Jasper. My body shakes. A tear falls down my face.

My eyes start to close.

I fall asleep on Jasper's shoulder.


I groaned. My eyes opened to see Alice hovering over my face.

"Come on sleepyhead!" She screams.

"Alice. I'm in pain. I'm being turned into a vampire! These are the last times I will ever get to sleep." I try pulling the blanket over my head, she just pulls it back. "Alice." I groan. Jasper chuckles.

"I'll carry you downstairs." He says scooping me in his arms. His stone cold grasp held me close to his body.

"Thanks." I mutter my eyes already drifting shut.

Alice pours water on my face.

"ALICE!" I screech. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I then cover my mouth. "Oops." I say remembering that Nessie was in the house.

Alice and Jasper chuckle then speed down the stairs. I was struggling to stay awake.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone says, joining me in a hug (after Jasper sets me down).

"Thank you." I say, my voice dreary.

"Open this!" Alice shoves a long right triangle shaped box into my hands. "All of this is from everyone!" She exclaimed.

"Alice I can barely function right now." I say opening the box.

I gasp.

"You didn't?" I was shocked.

Alice and the rest of the Cullens smiled. I pull my old ukulele out of its box. The case still had all of its pins. Taking the instrument out of its box, I give it a strum. I grimace. "I need to tune that." I say sighing.

Jasper laughs. Edward joins in.

"Now open this." Jasper hands me an envelope. I look confused, then my fingers graze over the sealed paper. My fingers pry open the letter very carefully.

Tears brimmed my eyes. I stare shocked at them. My words come out as sobs. "Thank you."

I look at the letters that were written from my brothers that they would write in their classes. Their sloppy handwriting made me laugh, the sound that came out sounded like a dying cat.

I have to write this! What do I do? Miss. Miller is making me to do this! She said it's "nice" or whatever.
Anyway I love love love u. With all of my heart. U are the bestest sister in the whole wide world!
Do u think this is good enough for a good grade?
Love u bestest older sister,

My sobs were making my body shake.

Dear Y/n,
Mommy said we are going to the zoo today! I wanted to write a letter. Mommy is helping me spell. I thought you were the worst at that, but know I need help. She is also saying I have to look out for this thing called grammar. What is that? Is it important? Do I really have to use it? Mommy said yes. That I do. Boring.
Anyway, I love you! You are like a shark! Cute, slimy, and friendly! Love you! Thanks for being my favorite sister.

I couldn't control my self. There are more and more letters, notes, and drawings that my brothers did. I use my wobbly legs and fly into Alice's arms. "Thank you!" I sobbed even harder. "I thought I lost these! Some I never got to read." My tears stained her shirt.

"What are they?" Hayden asks.

"It's every hand written, every drawing, and some notes that my brothers made for me." I say when my sobs slowed down.


After my gifts were given to me. The pain grows at its strongest point yet. Jasper seems to notice along with Edward. Jasper takes me upstairs and lays me down onto my bed. Tears brimmed my eyes. 

"Stay." I whisper. I look at the clock it's 1:29 in the morning.

The fire is in my heart. 

"I will y/n. Darling I will never leave your side."  Jasper says, his hand runs down my hair.

The fire leaves my feet.

Then my hands.

The cold wave spreads all around my body.

Soon the fire is gone.

I am a vampire.

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