4. First meeting...?

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After a very long time, Naruto had a peaceful and eventless sleep. Waking up from his sleep, he rubbed his eyes to remove the sleep away but felt pain while moving his body parts. Last night training really did a number on him. He felt sore everywhere. He sure does have high stamina but his 12 years body was not prepared to handle so much strain. 

"Hey Kurama, good morning. I don't know whether you can hear me or not but thanks to being there all this time. Your presence surely made the pain more bearable, big brother. Maybe you are still copping from the execution of that jutsu. Well then sleep tight, I am not in that much hurry. Bye." Saying out loud, Naruto stretched his body to get rid of the soreness. 

Hope he comes back soon, surely I miss him. Well, it's only 7 am, maybe I can do some light exercises before the meeting. Naruto left his bed after watching the table clock and left to do his morning chores. He then went to his kitchen and sighed, 'I have nothing to eat or cook. I have to go shopping after the meeting. What to eat? What to eat?' He thought while circling the room. 'I can go to Ichiraku's and eat there..... but before that, I have to relax my muscles. I still feel sore.'

Making up his mind, he left his apartment. He did sit-ups, push-ups, and jogging for more than an hour and went to Ichiraku's.

"Hey, old man... whatcha doing alone? Where's Ayame-oneesan?"

"Oh, Naruto. Ayame went to the market for the supplies. Don't you have training Naruto?"

"I have Teuchi-san, but I'm hungry. and I don't have anything to eat in the home. So I came here to eat the ramen....," Naruto said with a dreamy voice, "Can I have some now?"

Teuchi smiled at the antics of the blondes. "The usual...?"

"Yes, yes please" Acting on instincts made him alive again and unconditionally refreshed.

He spent more time than usual in the ramen shop talking trivial things with the busy Teuchi and Ayame after returning from her chores.

After his breakfast, he left a shadow clone for shopping and went to the training ground to find an uninterested, brooding Sasuke and a fangirl, rather than a kunoichi. "Good morning Sakura-chan, Sasuke," Naruto said happily.

"You are late, you Baka" Sakura yelled and tried to punch the blonde.

Naruto dodged that and said, "Is sensei here? No. So technically I am not late. Sasuke, can you do me a favor? Call me when sensei is here." He made the sign and softly said "Shadow clone jutsu".  10 clones came to live. " 5 to chakra control and rest to seals". He himself went for the meditation.

"Hai, Boss" the clones chorused.

Sakura was gapping like a fish and Sasuke, well he was a little surprised and didn't want to show his interest. Sasuke wanted to know more. But he knew his female teammate well enough and waited for the barrage of the questions.

Sakura watched 5 Naruto working on some scrolls with utmost concentration which according to her knowledge impossible. So she chose to ask one of them her questions. "Hmmm... What are you all doing...... Naruto?!"

One of the clones smiled and said "Oh, Sakura-chan we are practicing Fuinjutsu. See this, this is explosive seals, those are smokes seals and he is doing the storage seals. Those two are doing work on proximity and triggered seals. And those 5 are doing chakra control training. And Boss is meditating. I wished he was not, then we could try these seals. Anyway if you have any question go ask that group. I have to concentrate or we will all blow up.... hehe." 

By now Sakura took some steps backward. She did not want to blow up before she can have a date with her Sasuke-Kun. She went to the next group thinking that was safer than the sealing group.

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