17. Uchiha's night-stay...

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"The food was good, thank you. Now let's go. we have missions to complete. Hold onto me."




It was 7 when they finished their fifth and the last mission of the day. Those were consists of babysitting, removing weeds, fence painting (again), helping in restocking a store and walking the dogs in the Inuzuka pet shop. In each case, the blond was subjected to glares which he practically ignored. But the Uchiha's cold stare and Pinkett's accidental punches were enough to make them wince every time. On the top, they didn't want to face the wrath of the Jonin who promised them of their possible demise. Naruto was okay with the arrangement as long he was not at the end of Sakura's punches. In return, he helped them by speeding up the process with his clones. More missions mean more money and more money means a tour to the weapon shop.

"Sensei, you do have my storage scroll... ne." Naruto said with a happy attitude.

"Which one, my cute little genin?" Kakashi asked with his signature eye-smile.

"That one when you stabbed me in my gut last time," Naruto answered with are you kidding me expression.

"Oh that... let me see." Kakashi patted his vest, checked his pouch. "I believe I left it in the apartment." He said with some fake enthusiasm.

Great... he was now acting creepy. "Uhh... okay, can you bring that tomorrow."

"Of course... by the way, you need to practice your calligraphy more. Your hands are unsteady. See you all at 10 sharp, my minions." And he puffed away with shunshin before Naruto could jump on him.

"Hey...", he shouted ingenious only to engulf some smoke from his sensei's departure. "That lazy pervert... he unsealed that scroll. What's with his creepy attitude?" Naruto turned around only to find his last two teammates eyeing him like some crazy thing. "Umm... you guys are still here. Would you go home?"

"Yeah... see you guys tomorrow... bye," Sakura informed and bounded to her house.

"We need to talk." Sasuke was the first one to open his mouth.

Again... damn... can't I get a break already? Naruto sighed with exhaustion. "It's not safe to talk openly... let's go to my house... it's safe there." Naruto sprinted towards his house without a second look.

Sasuke followed him in silence.

Upon reaching his house, Naruto made a group of shadow clones. "Go and find papers and ink to practice calligraphy from the office... Oh... and find some books or scrolls on fuinjutsu. Dad would surely have those."

"Hai", those clones answered in unison.

"Would you like to have dinner here, Sasuke?"


Naruto left Sasuke in the drawing-room only to enter the kitchen. Let's see what I have here. He opened the cupboards to find instant ramen cups, half-empty orange juice pack which was luckily not expired, eggs, leftover salads. I'm an idiot... he cursed himself. Then laughed at himself. I'm already in a tight spot regarding money... and here I supplied to three extra mouths from yesterday and one in dinner. "Hey Teme, today's dinner would be not like the Uchiha standard... don't mind okay," Naruto shouted from the kitchen, unknown to the fact that the said boy was in the same kitchen hearing the cursing.

"Am I always this short...? Why wouldn't I be? If it's not the Ichiraku's, I have already been starved to death. I need to pay some of the free meals now while I earn money. Then I need to buy clothes, ninja supplies... and chakra papers. Damn it... those are more expensive than a chakra weapons. Maybe dad's office will have some chakra papers in store... but once those are finished I will be again in shortage." Naruto muttered continuously to find a way to solve his financial problems while boiling the eggs and heating the ramen.

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