Nick Valentine

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You watched cautiously as Nick frantically fumbled with the files of Eddie Winter's case. His many holotapes scattered amonst the detective's desk, but none of it seemed to add up. You were missing something and Nick wouldn't rest until he got that last piece of evidence.

"Hey, isn't it time for a break?" you ask the synth, placing a hand on his padded shoulder. He made no effort to respond to you, causing much worry. Nick wasn't usually this far deep into any of his cases, but you could tell this once specially was causing him much unneeded stress. "Nick." you call out once more, gaining his attention.

"What? Oh, yeah. Just let me finish getting these things in order. This entire case is a mess." the detective exaggerated.

"Nick, the case isn't going anywhere. Give it a rest for now and we can pick it up again tomorrow." you offered the idea, Nick visibly weighing out his options between it. "Look, I'm worried about you."

Your confession actually confused him as he didn't think you cared so much about his being. It was quite the opposite though, as you only cared about him and wanted to make sure he was properly taking care of himself as well as maintaining his lovable career.

"Why are you worried, Y/N? This old mug isn't going anywhere." he joked to hide how nervous he was. It wasn't usual for the synth to do so.

You bite your lip, the second confession on the tip of your tongue. You couldn't exactly explain to Nick that you've fallen in love with him after spending so much time working on cases together and learning about him. He senses your newly uncomfortable state, taking your frail hand in his own as some type of way to comfort you.

"You can tell me anything and there's no judgement, you know. That bond was bound between us long ago." Nick smiled to you, yourself nodding in agreement as you built up the courage to confess.

With a deep breath, you confess your love, hoping not to be turned down by the only person you've grown to trust in the Commonwealth. "Nick, being with you for so long has made me realize things that I never thought to be possible. I don't know if it's love... or just a strange affiliation, but I know that whatever it is, I want to try it with you. If you're okay with it, that is."

You didn't even know that it was possible for synths to blush, but the pink color that formed upon Nick's cratered skin taught you otherwise. He grins like an idiot, "I would like that very much, love. Let's give it a go and see where a pairing like us gets to."

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