Paladin Danse

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You roll over in bed with a smile already on your face as you expected your lover to be in bed beside you. However a frown tugs at the corners of your lips as you felt nothing but the empty sheets. You open your eyes, blinking away the tired vision and focusing on a steaming mug of coffee on the bedside table. Underneath it read a note:

Good morning, love.
Sorry I couldn't be there to wake
with you. Come to the shop and
I hope this can make up for that.
~Love, Danse

You grin once again and stand to your feet. With the mug in hand, you slowly make your way out of the house and towards the shop you and Danse used to build and modify all of your belongings. Loud clattering of metal could be heard from outside as well as the soft tune you couldn't seem to remember the name of. The sound that really caught your attention was the sweet voice of your lover singing lowly to the song.

You pull back the curtain and walk into the work shack, watching as Danse's back was turned away from you and he continued to work on whatever it was he was doing and singing along with the song. You sneak up behind him, setting the coffee on top of the wooden table and wrapping your arms around him from behind. He immediately melts into your embrace, placing his larger hands over yours.

"Good morning, angel." He greets you in a soft tone, humming as he leaned back to see your face. "You have outstanding timing, my love. I just finished."

"What is—?" Before you finish your question, your curious gaze is focused onto a wooden crib a few feet in front of Danse. He gives you a warm smile as you choke on your own words, not being able to form any due to the overwhelming feeling you were experiencing.

Danse turns around to face you, his deep brown orbs staring back into yours. His left hand runs over the small baby bump you had growing, while his right hand was held at the small of your back.

"I spent all morning on this, darling. I... hope you like it." Danse's once confident tone shifted to a more anxious and hesitant one as he worried for how you felt about it. But his feelings of worry were pushed away when you nodded eagerly.

"Danse, I love it. And I love you, more than anything. This is perfect. I couldn't wish for anything more."

He leans down and plants a soft kiss to your lips, "I love you, Y/N."

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