Piper Wright

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You sit on the stool at the noodle stand, sipping lightly on your coffee as your read the latest Publik Occurrences paper. Though many of the other residents in Diamond City found it to be absurd, you knew that the author of the paper was stating only facts and actually trying to warn them.

She sits next to you with a heavy sigh, ordering a noodle cup before propping her elbow on the bar and resting her chin in the palm of her hand. Piper studied you for a moment, her eyes scanning the paper you were reading, and back to your expressionless face. It was the best reaction she's received all day, even if you hadn't given one at all.

"I love your writing." you say without breaking your gaze away from the words on the paper, "I know the face kind of says otherwise, but this is quite the paper today."

"I'm just glad you're the first person to not yell at me or tell me that my facts are all wrong." she scoffed at remembering the others talking about her paper, "They just don't understand."

"And they never will— you can't expect the same people that follow McDonough to believe anything you say. They did the same thing to John, now look where he's at." you stifle out a laugh, thinking about the odds of your old friend John Hancock, formally the other McDonough brother.

"You've been around that long, how come I've never seen you?" she questioned, gaining more interest in your story rather than her own.

"I get around. Have a place here— some place in Goodneighbor, also settled down at a couple of the settlements around here. And you, you get out as well. How else would you obtain these marvelous stories, or reports, if you will." you hum out in thought, knowing the reporter would soon begin to question you.

"So you're aware, huh? You don't just stay in this bubble that is Diamond City, you know what's going out there." Piper concluded herself, emitting a sly grin.

"If you mean the Institute, then yes. But I have nothing to fear. I read your papers, dear. I hear you and your warnings, loud and clear."

Piper lightly blushes at the given pet name, causing her to wonder if it was just your instinct to call people of that, or if you only used it with her. She nods in agreement, hiding her flushed cheek in the resting palm.

"You and I, we can get by. I know there's more to you and I'd love to know more of what the despised reporter has to offer. You should stop by my place —or one of my places— sometime." you send her a confident wink, only after realizing she was blushing at your statement from before. Your intentions weren't to flirt with Piper, not until you just couldn't resist the chance.

"Y–Yeah, I'll see you around." she stammered out, watching you gather your things and walk away. Piper wasn't clearly sure why she was so into you from the start, whether it be the mystery of your appearance or the fact that you actually took the time to understand the thing she was most passionate about, but she only hoped to see you again soon and understand what it meant.

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