Robert MacCready

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You had your arms wrapped tightly around MacCready's side, trying to not accept the fact that he was sixteen and would have to leave Little Lamplight, as well as leaving you. He held a hand to the back of your head, tangling his fingers in your hair as he looked down to your sulking figure sadly.

"Do you really have to leave? We can just tell them that you've turned fifteen. It's no big deal." you claimed, and he shakes his head sadly. You knew that he would have to go but you had a hard time accepting it. "Then, what if– what if I go with you?"

"No, no!" he immediately shot down your offer, causing you much disappointment and confusion— confused as to why he wouldn't want you at his side. "I can't put you at risk. You still have a whole year here and you should stay for the time being, so you'll be safe. Or so I'll at least know you're safe."

"Robert, it will kill me not knowing if you're well or even still alive out there. Please, I can't stay here without you." you beg, tightening your hold around his waist. "Please? I love you."

"O–Okay." he stammered out, in defeat. "I love you, too. I don't want to put you at risk, but we'll have each other's backs out there. That's how it'll be."

You smile, kissing his cheek. "That's how it will always be and I'm perfectly okay with that."

"You and I, forever, darling."

𝐕𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑,   one shots & headcanonsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz