The sample

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Emily was walking back to her flat after along day at work, the sun was setting and shops where shutting for the night. As she turned the corner the smell of fresh doughnuts drifted through the evening air. It came from a small little shop called the Doughnut Hut, outside there was a man holding a tray full with delicious doughnuts.

"Hi there" he said as she walked closer, "do you want to try a free sample?". Emily stopped and looked at the crisp doughnuts sitting on the tray, "yes please" she said as she took a doughnut of the top. As she took a bite flavor burst into her mouth and her eyes lit up as if she had just woken up.

"So, what do you think?" said the man. "They are soooo good" Emily replied, "well where shutting in a bit and we still have loads left, don't suppose you want to buy any?". Emily thought for a moment as she took another bite, " I'll take 5 boxes"

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