If You Didn't Want Me Why DId You Kidnap Me?! (3) *WATTY AWARDS*

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If I was supposed to feel comfortable in this poorly decorated, shabby kitchenette they weren't succeeding. There was a group of about seven men just hanging in the kitchen area and open living room just staring at me or one another, none of them bothering to cover their faces. Noah, clearly the leader of this whole operation was fuming in the corner, upset by the fact that they had kidnapped the wrong person. I couldn't bring myself to talk, as the untied me from the chair in the basement, couldn't bring myself to fight back as Noah dragged me up the stairs and slammed my body into the chair I was now seated it.  

It wasn't much of a step up from the place I was locked in before, the house these people seemed to harbor in was disgusting. Trash covered every open space, and their was no sign of furniture in the living room besides a ratty couch and an old TV sitting on two crates. The kitchen that had a small four person table at it had loads and loads of paper work, empty grease stained pizza boxes stacked upon each other and red plastic cups half full of unknown liquids. At least there wasn't any rats... that I could see. 

I just sat there, I didn't have the energy to fight them as they stared in silence at each other, in deep thought. My body felt like it had been drained of anything useful leaving me hallow and silent. Finally after at least ten minutes of absolute silence one of them broke it. 

This man had a large broad face, and shoulders to match. Standing taller than I had seen a lot of people I wondered how he comfortably lived in this small of a place. He looked angry and bitter as he stared at me, I couldn't bring myself to show any form of emotion on my face though as I let him glare at me. 

"How do you know this isn't the girl? How do you know she isn't just lying?" He asked, and mentally I pictured myself slapping him for asking such stupid questions, but honestly all I wanted to do was sleep no matter how unsafe I was. 

"I've seen her before you idiot, this isn't the girl. How the hell could you guys mess something like this up?!" The man I knew to be Noah demanded, pounding his fist on the fragile table making me flinch from my sleepy stooper and knock things off the table on to the floor. 

"It was dark, and you it isn't like you supplied us with a picture!" The broad man stated sarcastically throwing his hands up, looking exasperated towards Noah. 

"I'm sorry I thought you were capable of something like this Brendon, you freaking idiot." Noah spat bitterly which made Brendon stop arguing with him, but made a much scrawnier man step up to defend the mistake. 

"It was an accident, it wont happen again." 

"Damn straight it wont happen again, have you seen the news? Our only opportunity to get Amanda is taken, this girls disappearance" he pointed to me "is ALL over the news. They took Amanda as far away from this town as possible. We now will have to wait months, and a year until we get this chance again. You f**ked up and you need to admit it!"  

"Alright! Yeah, we completely screwed up, but we have bigger problems on our hands then unsuccessfully kidnapping Amanda Deerfield." Everyone looked at the scrawny man like he was insane, but he joined Noah who was still pointing at me and everyone turned to look at me. "This girl, Schuyler" he practically spat my name, "now knows most of our names and all of our faces." My heart stopped as I realized the immense danger I was in. 

Scary Noah turned to look at me, and tilted to his head thinking hard.  

"Jamie has a point." He insisted, "what are we going to do with you?" My heart suddenly broke out into a sprint and I felt it trying to escape my chest. I pushed myself as far back into the chair as possible to get away from them. Slowly his hand crept closer to my face, and as I moved my head upward to avoid his touch he cupped my jaw and rubbed his rough hand down to my throat. I swallowed thinking he was going to suck the life out of me right then, but he brought his hand away. "Her skin is really soft." He told the others and my eyes widened, thinking the worst of what he meant. 

I could see in his eyes that my worst fears were what he was thinking, and as be brought his hand closer to mine I did the first thing I thought of and slapped it away. Noah recoiled quickly and looked at me in shock. I thought he was going to slap my back but instead he jerked his hand back towards me and I didn't feebly slap him again as he grabbed my chin at a bruising pressure and turned my head to look him in the eye. "Don't. You. Slap. Me." He said in a dangerously low voice, and immediately my eyes started to water as I began to cry. 

"Just kill me. Just.... Please, please kill me." I challengingly talked with him still gripping my chin, I sucked in breath that I felt escape my lungs from fear. "Please!" I begged, and if he wasn't forcing me to remain in the chair I probably would have fallen to his knees to beg in full order.  

"Where is the fun in that?!" He mocked me heartlessly, and even though I was breathing so hard I still felt like I was drowning. 

"Noah stop being stupid, you know we have to kill her. She knows too much already." Jamie said and I tried to get myself out of Noah's vice like grip but I couldn't. He didn't even flinch as Jamie spoke, he didn't even break eye contact. 

"Jamie. Silence." And with his superiority Jamie was silenced.  

"Listen to him. Please." I pleaded, and suddenly Noah let go of my aching chin and reached behind his back and produced a gun out of what seemed to be thin air. I stared at the black hand gun, never being so close to one unless you count BB guns, my tears came faster as this cold hearted bastard laughed at my reaction.  

"Looks like you don't want to die after all..." He said in a dead tone and I couldn't look away from the gun as I was suddenly staring down the barrel. 

If I had a body after that, I couldn't feel it. If I even had a heart I didn't feel it beating. The only thing I felt was the cold rushing over my body, the fear consuming everything. My face much of been paper white instantly because Noah chuckled humorlessly and lowered the gun before bringing his face closer to mine. I didn't have the guts to move away from him as he brought his lips to my ear. 

"I have better plans for you." He uttered quietly to me, and I shivered a normal reaction to his hot breath rolling down my neck over my collar bone.

better than nothing? 

im not exactly sure where im going with this anyway. -_- 

im sorry i dont know whats going on.

If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?!Where stories live. Discover now