If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?! (8) *WATTY AWARDS*

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I kept my eyes closed, dreading the fact I had to share this bed, for yet another night, with Noah. Ever since our encounter in the living room I haven’t been able to look him in the eyes. I don’t know what’s harder to process, the thought that Noah can so easily access my family, break into my house and do whatever he wants, or the fact that he did it. Not whatever he wanted, I mean he didn’t physically hurt my Mom or Dad, but it’s just horrible to think he could.

    But as I continued thinking… I don’t think he could. He could, but wouldn’t. The reason he went to my house was to give my mother a birthday present, and after she saw his face, long enough to be able to give a very detailed sketch of him, he didn’t hurt her. That is saying something, I’m not exactly sure what, but it’s nothing bad. If anything, I was touched. I hope she wears that necklace everyday, I hope she thinks about me… and soon and I don’t know how I’m going to let her know I’m alive and that I’m not as bad off as other kidnapping victims. Everything could be worse, I could be dead.

    I was still in a horrible position, but I needed to see the bright side of everything or I would drive myself insane.

    I heard Noah enter the room, and close the door softly. I couldn’t bring myself to open my eyes, I didn’t want to see him. The lights flicked off, and I heard every distinct footstep near the bed, then felt the bed sink underneath his weight, but before I knew it his arm was wrapped around me.

    Immediately I shot my eyes open, knowing that arm was too thick to belong to Noah. In the darkness, I barely made out the person I was fearing the most. I opened my mouth to scream, but instantly his huge, beefy hand covered my mouth muffling any sound that could have come out.

    It seemed like he had more than two hands, as he easily kept my hands down and my mouth covered. I felt helpless underneath him, fighting uselessly to get my hands away from him as he forced them painfully under his knees that were on either side of my thighs. Without warning, his hand was away from my mouth. I opened it wide to scream my heart out, but before I could a sock was shoved until it made me gag. My eyes were wide, as I watched Brendan strip his shirt off and toss it off to the side carelessly. His smile made my heart feel like it was twenty pound, and tears started running down my face as I tried to wiggle myself out from underneath him.

    His laugh was cold and merciless, making that twenty pound heart stop briefly before breaking out into a mad sprint. My wiggles turned into full of tremors as I fought him as hard as possible, kicking my legs wildly. I couldn’t see his hand, but I felt it hard against my cheek, and saw the stars that broke at the force he put behind that deafening slap. He pressed his shirtless chest against mine, sucking the air from my lungs. I felt his breath on my neck, as he huskily whispered.

    “Stop trying to fight this, no one is coming to find you. You’re mine.” I jerked my head to the side to get his mouth away from my ear, but it only gave him better access to my neck. I felt his mouth attack the bare flesh, suddenly even though I was wearing one of Noahs baggy t-shirts I felt naked. Brendan kissed, nipped and licked at my skin and I kept trying to pull away from him. “B**ch, I said stop fighting.” Again he slapped me, and a sob broke through the sock that made my jaw throb.

    He felt impossibly heavily, practically crushing my bones into the bed. Brendan grabbed my chin and jerked it to face him, he smiled devilishly, his face morphing into something that could only resemble a demon. Quickly, he yanked the sock out of my mouth, and when I filled my lungs with air I screamed. It pierced into the silence, but Brendan didn’t look panicked. He still looked like the devil, as he laughed coldly.

    “Keep screaming, no one will hear you. No one cares Skye- no one ever will, ever again. You’re mine.” I gasped at his words, only to scream louder---

If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?!Where stories live. Discover now