If You Didn't Want Me, Why Did You Kidnap Me?! (11) *WATTY AWARDS*

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We kept the charade of being boyfriend and girlfriend through security again when the plane landed and we had to go through the airport. I spent most of that time complaining about how stupid that was, we had already gone through this to get on a plane why did we need it again? It’s not like we had done anything but get on the plane… dangerous.
    I was still hoping that someone would recognize me, and would come to my rescue. I didn’t want to be here, I didn’t want to do what they were telling me to do because I knew it would lead to Amanda’s death, but on the other hand I knew if I didn’t it would lead to my parents death. The thought of the death of my parents made me want to burst into tears, there was no way I could live with that, and for that I would make sure to apologize to Amanda.
    The charade ended as soon as I got into the car, Noah immediately shoved me to the middle, and got in himself. Our hands became unclasped so suddenly that I almost reached back out for his hand, but was sidetracked when my body made contact with a complete strangers. This man was around the same age as Noah and the twins, but his eyes were a lot colder. He was big and intimidating with bright blue eyes and a scruffy beard, glaring down at me as if I was no lower than dirt.
    Suddenly, Noah grabbed my wrist sharply and squeezed a hand cuff so tight around it that I thought it might cut me if I moved too fast, and attached the other wrist to the passengers seatbelt that was fastened around yet another stranger. My arm hung awkwardly in the middle of Noah and I, and I glared at him.
    “How did you suppose I was going to get away, huh? Crawl through the sun roof?” I asked him sarcastically, forgetting anyone else was in the car momentarily before someone had a hold on my hair, I could feel the mans beefy, rough fingers scratch at my scalp, I bit back any startled noise for only a second until he yanked me back so roughly I couldn’t not scream.
    Immediately Noah grabbed a hold of my shoulders to pull me back, giving the man beside me a heart stopping glare. My mouth was still open in surprise and pain, as the man tightened his grip for only a second before letting me go. Uncontrollably I pulled away from him, and was practically sitting on Noah’s lap and I turned my head to looked incredulously at the man who must have just pulled half my hair out for no reason.
    “Do not touch her like that,” Noah threatened, his eye contact never faltering.
    “Are you kidding me? You let that little b**ch talk to you like that?!” The man rolled his blue eyes before chuckling darkly.
    “You heard me. She wasn’t talk to you, she was talking to me.”
    “He has a point though,” the man in the front seat insisted. “She should learn her place quickly if she’s going to last even a week with us.”
    “Don’t you think we shouldn’t leave marks on her? Or get her even more skiddish around people? She’s going to be attending a prep school in the city isn’t she? Shouldn’t she fill part?” A few moments passed in silence.
    “Yet another good point!” The man in the front seat rejoiced, and without warning he pulled out a gun and my eyes widened as I sunk deeper into Noah. The driver wasn’t even phased as he kept driving. “So listen to my little brother, touch her like that again and I’ll shoot you myself.” He cocked the gun and I whimpered. The man looked at me from the corner of his eyes with a smirk. “So much to get used too…” He said mostly to himself before looking at my hand. He gripped it tightly, his smirk still there. “Nice to meet you Schuyler, I’m Nate, Noah’s bigger, older, more attractive brother.” Without thinking I tried to pull out of his grasp but all I managed to do was wince in pain when the handcuff scraped at my skin. “Smooth.” Nate wasn’t too sympathetic as I could tell.
    The ride was shorter than I expected, I thought I was going to be out in the middle of no where but actually it looks like I was in the heart of Chicago. When the car pulled to the side of the street, we were standing in front of a large never ending building. There was only one door in front of us though, and we just stayed there idle in the car for a moment until Nate turned around to glare at me.
    “I’m going to have Noah un-cuff you, you aren’t to pull anything stupid. Don’t talk to anyone until we get up to our rooms, do as your told, don’t even look at anyone for a long period of time…” I felt my jaw working as I fought off a million things that came to mind. It didn’t go undetected my Nate, “I’m serious girl.”
    “Schuyler.” I corrected without thinking and without hesitation Nate pulled on my hand making the handcuffs dig even further, I winced but tried my best to hide my pain. His eyes looked cruel… he looked just like his brother and acted just the same.
    “Girl. Do not test me, I’m not the one who fu**ed up. Your death is no cancellation on my part. You will do as your told, and not make a scene. Brendan is on speed dial, you sure you want to put your parents through what he will do to them?!” My eyes widened, I could only imagine the things that monster was capable of.
    “Nate, let up. She hasn’t done anything yet and she wont. Let’s get out, people are staring we aren’t allowed to park here.” Noah insisted, unlocking my metal bracelets and pulling my sweatshirt sleeves down for me to cover the red sore marks. Together, Noah, Nate, the blue eyed guy who pulled my hair from the roots, and I all got out of the car. Noah never let go of my hand as we walked into the lobby of the apartment place. It resembled more of a hotel, with cheap furniture, horrible lighting and fake tropical plants.
    We went up to the desk and Nate smiled sexily to the woman behind it. His teeth were straight and clearly bleached white. There was nothing natural about his smile at all, but even then there was something alluring around it.
    “Hello, we have two rooms saved under the name Rodgers. I believe they’re room 324 and 326.” If he sounded anymore sweeter, I probably would have been sick. My stomach was in knots with panic. What if someone recognized me?
    “Ah yes. Dear, you’ve paid for months! Long stay?” She asked and Noah kept his smile.
    “Yes, I’ll be looking forward to it.” He winked. Rubbing her hand as she handed him the keys. Her face turned red quickly.
    “Me too.” She whispered, breaking the intimidating eye contact and Noah turned back to us.
    “Liam and I will be sharing a flat, which leaves you two love birds to the other!” He said quietly handing us a key, and my face fell. I shared a room with him… wasn’t that enough?! As we walked through the cheap lobby to the elevator, Liam (the blue eyed guy I suppose) had caught up with us, the driver no where to be seen.
    On the elevator Nate said “Oh, Skye. Make sure you don’t get too comfortable later on this afternoon, because we have an appointment for a hair cut for you. Just as you requested.” I couldn’t hide the surprise on my face.
    “I requested that?” I asked stupidly, and Nate looked at me pointedly.
    “Yes, sometime last week.” He stealth fully turned to stare at the camera and I nodded.
    “I remember.” I smiled flakily, “Good, I needed a hair cut anyway.” I needed to make it believable. Though I doubted anyone was watching, not in this kind of place.
    We were on the seventh floor… Heights. Heights. Scared of heights, did no one take that into consideration?!
    Noah and I went into our flat, and it was really just one big room, with one door leading to the bedroom, and the other leading to the bathroom. When the door closed behind me, I threw my hands up to cover my face. I couldn’t bring myself to stare at the fully furnished apartment. I rubbed my eyes, ignoring the burn of my wrist.
    “Oh my god.” I breathed, bringing my hands back down. Noah hadn’t even noticed as he walked immediately to the fridge and inspected it with a smile.
    “Month supply of Monster Energy Drinks, this wont be too bad.” I made a face at him.
    “You’re stupid and easily bribed.” I insisted, bringing myself to inspect the place. Everything was cheap, the couch looked like it was sixty percent plastic, and from here I could kind of see that the lamps were screwed to the stands. It smelled heavily of ciggerette smoke and disinfectant. “And why exactly do I need a haircut?”
    “Oh I’m the stupid one.” Noah shot back sarcastically. “We need to drastically change your appearance to lessen the likeliness of someone recognizing you. Also there we will probably go over the rundown of the school, the story and your new name.”
    “new name?!”
    “Your first name will still be Skye, but the last name obviously needs to change and we need to come up with some story as to why… we’re dating.”
    “But the guy at the airport said we looked brother and sister-”
    “I’m only seventeen.” My mouth dropped, I couldn’t imagine him being older then twenty-one but seventeen… that was only one year older than me. “We don’t look brother and sister that guy was just stupid. The only reason he probably thought that was because your abnormally short-”
    “I RESENT THAT! I am a normal height of 5’5, it’s not my fault your some crazy giant!” Noah laughed.
    “It’s good to see you can still joke, personality is going to be important. Amanda isn’t going to talk to you if you aren’t interesting. Which reminds me, while the makeover is going on we’re going to have to give you interesting things to say because I’m pretty sure anything you have to say wouldn’t be.” He stuck his tongue out at me, and I didn’t know how to react to this light hearted joking. I sighed heavily, letting all the stress escape and fill me.
    “Honestly Noah, I don’t know if I can do this.” Noah made a face, and together we walked to the ‘living room’ which consisted of a couch and a TV.
    “Honestly Skye… I don’t think you have a choice.” He didn’t say it rudely, but it still sent my heart racing.

WOW! couldnt of been more boring, the next chapter interesting things happen and im pretty sure the one after that (how im planning it) is her first day of schooooooool. >_>



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