The Girl (introduction) (2007)

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Helloooooo I'm here with a new Imagine! Now depending on how well this turns out, I might do another part but y'all gotta let me know if it's something you'd want too :)

Dr. Loomis walked into the room that he'd been called into by one of the nurses. He didn't know the situation that well but from his assumption, there was a new patient. A little girl. According to her records, she was a transfer from another asylum in another state. From her diagnosis, Loomis had been very intrigued and he was quite eager to find out more about her. Perhaps she'd communicate better than his other patient who barely even glanced his way at times. He knew she was a very troubled girl so it was best to keep his wording monitored as to not accidentally set her off.

The sight of this girl made a sudden chill run down the usually calm doctor's spine. It was only a feeling he got whilst around his other patient. This would surely be an interesting experience for him. His eyes gazed up at the nurse as he gave a gentle smile to ease the obvious tension in the room. He knelt down before the (H/C) haired girl who was holding a teddy bear tightly within her hands. The look on her face said it all. She was scared.

"Hello sweetheart, my name is Samuel Loomis" He started while holding his hand out to her. "And who might you be?" He kindly asked her. If he could get her to trust him easily, things would go smoother. The girl stared at him for a moment before gently putting her hand into his.

"(Y/N)" Her voice was monotone.

The rain poured down heavily on the asylum and the only sound that could be heard was the thunder rumbling and the occasional cry from some of the patients who were scared of the storm. Two men walked down the hallway together at this time. One was a new employee named Kendall and the other was a long time one named Ismael.

"This is the main hall where some of the most untreatable patients are held" Ismael explained but it seemed like he was talking to himself as the new intern stopped at one of the cells and seemed rather interested with the person inside. The foreign man walked over to him and saw who he was looking at.

"Who's the chick? She ain't bad looking" Kendall smirked smugly but Ismael didn't find this appealing at all as he gave the redneck man a glare of disapproval. The patient inside was (Y/N) and she was a grown woman now. She did grow to be a very beautiful one but it was obvious to everyone around here that she was guarded by Michael. Ever since she arrived, the two met as kids here and became smitten with one another. She was a very disturbed girl but she had a strange bond with the killer which made him protective over her.

"She's a patient so I'd respect it if you didn't make such inappropriate comments" Ismael snapped at him. "And her name is (Y/N), I wouldn't touch her if I were you, you'll anger him" Ismael told him in an attempt to make him scared enough not to go near the girl. Kendall snorted and looked at the older male.

"Like I'm scared of that big idiot!" He laughed loudly before walking forward with Ismael following behind. (Y/N) had listened to every foul word that slipped from that man's lips. She made a mental note to tell Michael of this when they saw each other again. It was true that they had a certain bond which made them equally protective over one another.

The doctor smiled as he guided the young girl into the white room where his other patient sat. Today he was gonna try and introduce them to each other in hopes of Michael finally getting along with someone. At least he would try. "(Y/N), this is my other patient. His name is Michael Myers" Loomis smiled at her. The girl made eye contact with the blonde boy and she felt immediately calm which made her drop her teddy bear to the ground.

"H-Hi" She spoke softly and in that moment, their bond was formed.

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