Useless (2007)

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Just a small warning ⚠️: this Imagine contains extremely dark themes like murder, abuse, and possible suicidal tendencies! Don't read if that stuff bothers you. love y'all. But just keep in mind that this is gonna get as realistic as possible because it does talk of a serial killer and please remember that this is what they do, loving behavior is NOT something for a killer to show except maybe if it involves them being a child or if it's some sort of twisted love, but anyways if you want Michael to treat you like a princess...these imagines are not for you, especially this one

It was the same thing over and over. Like an endless cycle of pain and torment that only made her mind break even more. She had already had her fair share of heartbreak within this week. It had all started on Halloween night when she was kidnapped by a crazed mental hospital patient who escaped a few hours prior and came into Haddonfield no doubt looking for blood to shed. He was the kind of person who could tear lives apart in seconds. Families were never the same now and the town forever suffered a great deal of trauma.

But no one noticed that she had been taken away by him. Oh no. The town was too busy trying to fix the damage he inflicted upon it and he took that opportunity to snatch her up and pull her from life. From happiness. From normalcy. She'd never get to see the light of a new day again because now all she was left to look at was the cracking and slightly dusty ceiling above her as she was kept chained to a dirty mattress in the basement of some rundown home. She didn't know where the man had taken her but he was almost never around. He kept her down here like some sick possession of his.

This life was not what she wanted anymore and it was often that she thought about death and how it would feel when it consumed her. She always imagined that life after death was either a soft meadow of flowers that could tickle her skin and finally make her feel whole again or it was a dark place filled with flames that were hungry for your very soul. The second option was where she hoped the foul man would go after he was finally killed. She prayed every night that the police would capture him and she would be able to return to her life. There was a point though where even she knew her life wouldn't go back to the way it once was after everything she's witnessed.

Her appearance had changed quite drastically as well. She once had such beautiful (H/C) hair that put even some models to shame. Now it was just a greasy and tangled mess, not to mention it was filled with her own blood. Her once healthy looking body was now thin and almost stick like. Her bones were so fragile now from the amount of weight loss over this week. Her once life filled (E/C) eyes were now dark and filled with sadness. They were almost a grey color now because they were taken away from the experience of true happiness. She never smiled anymore, her mouth could only form a pained frown. Both from feeling psychical and emotional distress.

The bruises on her body were from him. The masked man that took his rage out on her whenever the chance came up. It lasted so very long too. She'd have to just stay still as he inflicted his harsh hits on her, those blood stained hands touching every inch of her until he couldn't find anywhere else to mark with those dark blue and purple spots. He let out angry grunts as he chucked anything he could find at her. She was too weak to try and dodge it. It was honestly a mystery to her how she could survive all of his horrid treatment. If she was lucky though, he wouldn't use the knife.

If she was really lucky, he wouldn't come back for the night. When he did return it was all madness once again for her. Sometimes he would sit in the corner of the room and just stare at her from behind his mask. She didn't know what he kept the mask on for exactly but it had to be something to do with his past. She had seen the picture he kept of the little boy and the small baby. Clearly he was looking for something or maybe someone. She didn't dare ask him because of course it would trigger another rampage and she didn't need that. There were often times she felt the breath leaving her body and the overall life.

Much like always, it was sucked back into her as she heard the heavy sound of boots hitting the wooden steps. That's when realization dawned on her. He was back and from the sound of it, he wasn't happy. She never saw him happy but she did see him calm once before when he was in a somewhat vulnerable state. This was when she truly feared for her life. He was home, he was home. She started to call this place home because she had been here for week with her thoughts and this was the only place she had now really.

Her dull eyes connected with the man's body as he came down the stairs and into the room. His eyes only caught hers once before he dropped his knife to the ground carelessly and for the first time, his mask was discarded also. His long brown locks of hair were shown but he had his back to her so she couldn't see any parts of his face. The killer wiped his dirty hands off on his face before turning to face her finally. She closed her eyes now expecting the abuse to start. His boots made contact with the flooring as he made his way to her.

He kneeled down and grabbed her by the hand, slowly lifting the fragile limb to his face. She tried to pull away as he gently kissed her skin which immediately shocked her. His grip tightened as he felt her pulling away but it was so painfully tight that she released a cry of pain. He reached into his pocket and took out what looked to be a female ring finger. She almost vomited right then and there. Surely he wasn't going to do what she assumed...

He removed the small ring from the severed finger and slowly placed it on hers. Her hand shook with fear as his head tilted to the side before he looked at her expectingly. She wasn't sure what he wanted her to do but his anger was quick to rise as he collided his hand with her face. She gasped and then looked back at him. Perhaps it was best not to get on his bad side, she should have known that better than anyone. "T-Thank you..." She spoke softly as to calm him down. It seemed to work because his body relaxed and he stood up once more, tossing the finger to the ground carelessly.

"W-Why did you give me this?" Her voice came out shaky but it did stop the male in his tracks. "Is it to tease me because I'll never escape you and find a future...this is an engagement ring ya know" She spoke with a bit more confidence this time. "One you took from a woman..but i can never be in her spot" She was now more so talking to herself at this point. "Not as long as I'm with you, freak" She snapped. "You're a freak!" She cried.

He didn't move. He didn't make any attempts to hurt her because he knew she was right. He was a freak and that didn't bother him at all. He had the task of ending lives now, pathetic lives that didn't matter. He did get her that ring to taunt her, not because he cared for her. Oh no. He wanted to see her cry, to finally be defeated. Her life angered him but there were so many ways he could end it.

So that's what he did.

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