Boogeyman Blues (2007)

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This is based off of the scene from H18 where Vicky is babysitting that kid and then she finds Michael in the closet and he attacks her ;)
I also mixed parts of it with RZH1.

The (H/C) haired girl groaned out of boredom as she sat on the red recliner and watched the boy as he stared intently at some weird television show he was watching. It was Halloween night and of course she had to babysit instead of being at a party with her friends. The night had been rather uneventful as she just scrolled through her phone and occasionally got calls from some of her friends who basically just rubbed it in her face that they got to have fun and she couldn't.

Another groan escaped past her lips as she stared out the window lazily only to perk up once she saw a person standing there underneath the streetlight. It was obviously a male by the body shape but he was wearing some dirty blue jumpsuit along with a really creepy looking white mask. Something glinted in his hands but she couldn't see what it was. Looking back at the boy she was babysitting for a moment, she attempted to calm herself for a bit before looking back. Her eyes widened as the male was gone from sight like he was never there at all.

Maybe she was just imagining all of this. Yeah, that had to be it. With a sigh, she got up off the couch and turned off the television much to the boy's dismay. "Hey! I was watching that!" He protested firmly with a pout adorning his features. He may have been her favorite kid to babysit but damn he could get under her skin sometimes. She looked at him and rolled her eyes lightly.

"Well too bad, squirt. It's time for you to get in bed you know the rule" She smirked before holding out her hand for the boy to take. He stared at it for a moment before gently placing his hand in hers and letting her lead him up the stairs. The (H/C) haired girl was probably his favorite babysitter because she allowed him to stay up later than normal because just as any other kid, he hated going to bed.

Once they got to his room, he allowed her to tuck him in as he watched her turn all the night lights on for him. Before she went to leave, he grabbed her wrist and looked up at her. "(Y/N), can you leave the door open?" He asked her with slight fear present in his tone. She smiled and patted his head before nodding and leaving the door open a crack for him to feel a bit more comfortable.

She walked back down the stairs and sat down on the couch to wait out the night until the boy's parents arrived back home. She couldn't help but glance out the window to see if the strange man was still standing there. Of course he wasn't though and she got up, deciding maybe a glass of water will calm her nerves. As she stepped into the kitchen she froze as muddy footprints were visible.

"What the hell..?" She mumbled to herself as she looked over only to see that the backdoor has been opened. Panic started to flood her system as she backed away and ran up the stairs to check on the boy who had been running to her also and ended up bumping into her. She steadied him and looked down to see tears streaming down his cheeks.

"(Y/N)...there was a man standing in my doorway! I think it was the boogeyman!" The boy cried as he clung to her tightly. She rubbed his back and gestured for him to stay put as she slowly walked into his room and gazed around at the soft blue glow the room had due to the nightlights and fish tank.

She checked every inch of the room before noticing that the closet door was opened a little. With cautious footsteps, she slowly walked towards the door and attempted to shut it only for the door to get stuck against a sturdy form and refuse to close. With furrowed brows, she tried again only for the same thing to happen. She opened it up to see what was blocking it but there was a man standing there, the same man she had seen outside the window.

She screamed as his hand gripped the front of her shirt and yanked her closer to him. His heavy breathing noticeable as he threw her to the ground and slowly walked after her as she attempted to crawl away from him after he stabbed her shoulder. Tears flooded her (E/C) eyes as she dragged her blood stained hand across the wooden floor trying desperately to escape this man's clutches.

"H-Help!" She screamed as he grabbed her ankles and started to drag her back to him. She cried and gripped the stairs in order to stop his attempts. The man stepped over her body and raised his knife to strike at her again but she swiftly lifted her leg and kicked her boot into his stomach making him stumble back some before she got up on her feet and held her bleeding shoulder while running down the stairs.

She grabbed the boy by his hand with her free one and dragged him outside. "Come on we have to go. There's a dangerous man in the house, I'm gonna bring you back to mine okay?" She told him to which he nodded fearfully. She brought him over to the car before settling him inside and getting into the driver's seat.

She laid her head against the seat and just took a breather as pain spread through her entire arm that the man stabbed her in. She would definitely need some medical attention after this night and possibly some therapy from this attack. "Look out!" The boy screamed which made her eyes snap open but she was too late as a rough hand slammed through the window on her side and grabbed a fistful of her hair.

The male dragged her out of the window as she screamed and thrashed. She was pulled by her hair up to the house until he threw her down on the front steps. She cried and looked up at him with fear evident in her eyes. "Please...what do you want from me?" She whispered to him but he just stood there staring.

Suddenly she felt someone grasp her shoulder and she was jolted awake from her slumber. It was the boy she was babysitting. "Are you okay (Y/N)? You were kicking and crying in your sleep" He told her. She just wiped her eyes and smiled forcefully at him.

"I'm fine. Just...a bad dream" She whispered.

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