|30| ~ Sick and Sadistic Piece of S**T ~

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Unedited. If you would like to read the full chapter please access the private chapters. If you don't like to read Rated R material, that is OK with me. A short description of what happened will be listed in the next. Duke Aldon in media has also been added to cast & updates.

Nicklaus POV. 

I'm bored. Officially, bored as hell! Xander and I are currently meeting with his governors. I just want to be with Claire, watching her curvy body as she trains.  However, duty calls. We have to meet with the governors. Before, we head to the Northern Kingdom.

Governors are responsible to govern and protect a Kingdom when the King departs. They aren't descents from wealthy houses. However, they are descendants from respected houses that have shown nothing but, undying loyalty for the wealthy house of their assigned Kingdom.

For Example, Xander governs are Count Cloven and Duke Aldon.

Count Cloven is from House Tyrell, who follows and serves House Vlad.

His ancestors have been loyal companions of my ancestors for decades. His father was my personal guard for over 100 years. Count Cloven has protected Xander, during his human years.

If it wasn't for him, pretending to be a human companion of Xander. He would have died a human life. He has earned his place to govern my brother's Kingdom.

Duke Aldon is quite unique. He was Xander's human best friend, many years ago. Xander, almost killed him when he was first turned. He came to me, with the dying boy in his arms and begged me to turn him. He begged me to save his life like I saved Xander's a couple of days before then.

Granting my brother his wish, I turned Duke Aldon immortal. Duke Aldon was so gracious, he swore to protect me and would give his new life for my own if the time presented itself.

As he grew older he became Lieutenant Aldon. He kept his promise.

He saved my life. He risked his own life to save my life about 100 years ago! In return, my father rewarded him handsomely. Lieutenant Aldon became Duke Aldon, the first turned vampire, who has ever been honored to call himself a lord. He has been adopted into the House of Vlad. Besides Xander, he is the most wealthy and powerful turned Vampire that has ever existed. He is considered to be our blood.

So, for the last past eight hours. I have been here.

Discussing, plans, war strategies, and a bunch of boring B.S. When all I want to do is get back to Claire. I need to get back to her.

Besides, she has to be punished for pulling that little stunt earlier. My balls, are still tingling, only making the urge to allow her sweet juices to ease away my pain. Honestly, the urge to explore every inch of her body is becoming stronger by the second. I miss her.

The mood in the room is full of good vibes. We are all family here, but Claire isn't here.

She should be here, sitting right by my side, taking her rightful place as my Queen. Unfortunately, that will never happen. I care too much about her safety, to even consider allowing that to happen.

I take a sip of the blood, forcing myself to swallow down the bitter content. No one's blood will ever, please my taste buds anymore. Ever since, I tasted Claire's sweet, intoxicating, and honey-laced blood. That's the only taste that can satisfy me now. I can't take it anymore. I'm going to go see my little firecracker.

"Nicklaus," says Xander. "Do you agree?" Agree to what? Honesty, I wasn't listening to anything that they were discussing. I nod my head and wave my hands dismissively. Finally, deciding to listen in.

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