|79|~The Untold Story ~

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Claire POV.

Cessabit, Electus," (Calm the Chosen One.) She says to me in a language that I can now somehow understand. "I am not here to hurt you. I only came to help, guild, and warn you." A bright electric, emerald green light, glows through her eyes, and enters into my soul.

I gasp, "The pendants belongs to you,"

"No. My dear," she tells me, removing her hand from off my shoulder. "The emerald belongs to you. To your bloodline, my magic is just the primary source."

"I don't understand."

"In time you shall," Aurora replies while walking towards the table. "Now sit we've got much to discuss in such little time.

My feet follow her command and I grind my teeth in frustrations. This brings back old memories. The bad memories of when Nicklaus use to compel my surface.

"You don't like to be controlled." She reads my mind out loud, doing another thing that I absolutely hate.

"I don't like you or any other person invading my privacy either, "I snap, taking a seat beside her. Once, again I've got no control over my own body.

She flashes a dazzling smile. Geez, Louise! She is so beautiful.

"Thank you, Claire. However, if you don't like something, change it. If anyone has the power to defeat all odd it's you."

"What is that supposed to mean."

"Exactly what it sounds like you have the power to defeat all odds."

UH HUH.... I stare at her blankly.

"Love is a force as powerful and as strange as the power of the emerald, my dear." She horribly attempt to further elaborate. I still don't get it and my head starts to spin. Ah yai yai! The riddles! The mind games! The impossible puzzles!

All of it is draining my cat. She is just like Xander.

"I'm nothing like the cold hearted King," she tells me, obviously reading my mind again.

"No you're not," I snap, "because he understands how to honor one's wishes."

"Oh, really?!" She asks, lifting her eyebrow. Then, flashes another dazzling smile. She is so beautiful.

What is she? Her smile brightens, of course she is reading my mind, but this time she decides not to speak on it. Smart woman.....

"Give me your hand, my dear," she directs. Her cat like eyes enters into my soul. This time my hand doesn't follow her instructions. In fact, I've got complete control over my body once again. True to my natural I do what I do best.

Defy! "I'm not giving you shit into you wake Xander up. I don't trust you," I lie.

I do trust her. I don't know why, but I do. It's something safe about her presence and aura, calming actually. I feel connected to this strange woman in every way.

She continues to stare into my eyes for a long while. The silence between us is strangely comforting. I don't understand it at all I'm trying my hardest to figure it out. Figure her out, but I can't. No matter, how hard I try. My brain is fried.

Finally, she speaks, waving her hand in his direction." Evigilare faciatis," (awaken.) The room fills with the now familiar, bright electric, emerald green light and Xander eyes pop open.

"Aurora," his penetrating, growls fills the air within a second. His eyes narrow and his posture go dangerously stiff. The next thing, I know is Xander standing right beside me. His eyes bleed 50 shades of red! Blood! Fire and Ash! I've never seen him so mad.

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