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Nicklaus POV.

The beast princess and bitch Beta start to circle me.

I lower my stance, awaiting any attack. However, whether they attack in a united front or one by one, neither is anywhere close to a match for me.

They charge at the same time, and I manage to evade them both.

The Beta Bitch then jumps into the air. But I grab him by the neck and break his neck with one squeeze. I throw him across the battlefield like he is nothing but a mere rag doll. He is weak.


Pain emerges into my left arm when the beast princess unexpectedly latches her teeth onto my flesh. She shakes her head wildly from side to side as she buries her sharp teeth deeper. I flip my body, slinging her off me in the process. And before she hits the ground, I manage to catch her by the neck. Rage sears through my spine, fire spreading through my veins as I watch my bloodstain the pure-white snow. This b*tch has a death wish.

I slam my hand into her chest and grab her beating heart—her life is mine.

Out of nowhere, the beta b*tch slams into me, once again saving the beast princess from meeting her end. More pain sears through my left arm as his sharp claws and pointy teeth sink into my open wound. Then somehow, the beast princess appears to my right side, following his lead—sinking her sharp claws and razor-like teeth into my right arm. Their fangs sink into my flesh in unison.

I slam my arms together, making them bump heads and fall to the ground with a loud boom.


My growl rings through the crisp winter air.

I'm tired of playing games with them. This is finally their end.

My neck snaps to the east side of the forest when the familiar scent of milk and honey spreads through the field. I become more alert, and my sensitive ears and smell pick up on three things: the scent of lycans and wolves in the wind, the sound of growls of excitement that can be heard vividly in the same direction of the forest, and most importantly Claire.

I'll always recognize my beloved—her distinctive aroma and her barely beating heart anywhere. She's in the forest, surrounded by wet dogs and two or so monstrous beasts.

* * *


Mecca pounces, sending me flying down with a loud thud. Immediately, she buries her sharp claws into my shoulder.

Intense pain travels through my entire body. I hold back the urge to scream as she digs a little deeper. I bite down onto my lips, and tears threaten to escape. Then, reality kicks in. My blood splashes onto the snow, and my heart feels like it's been ripped out of my body. Through the pain, I manage to wrap my legs tightly around the middle of Mecca's wolf form and squeeze down with all my might. This forces Mecca to release her claws and stagger back.

I jump to my feet in inhuman speed while she lands onto four paws, changing her stance. She wastes no time and pounces again. My blood drips freely. The surrounding wolves roar loudly. She jumps, and I punch her, slamming her in her snout. She falls to the ground with a thud.

No, stupid, backstabbing b*tch. That's what the f*ck she gets.

I blink away my tears that managed to escape, while Mecca circles me. I study her carefully. Her deep oak-brown wolf coat glows underneath the full moonlight, her pointy, sharp teeth and canines bared at me. Her menacing snares overlap the other wolves' growls of excitement. She looks gruesome, more monstrous than I ever could have imagined her to be. I'm f*cking dead.

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