|58|~ The Time Of My Life~

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Claire POV.

He takes a deep breath. "Well, he confirmed that you're only half-human."

Not human? Half-human? So, what the hell am I then, a half-ghost?

My heart beats like I'm human. I look pretty much like a human. Well, I look better than I've ever looked in my opinion, maybe a little prettier. My body seems too toned, but that's normal for humans. All humans tend to look better after puberty.

My heart did stop, and Nicklaus was pissed because he thought I was dead, so that brings me back to point A.

Am I a ghost?

"So what am I then, a ghost? In the half," I add.

Nicklaus's glowing neon-blue eyes flicker back to their regular shade of cerulean. The serious vibe he has just given quickly shifts back to his legendary humor.

"A ghost," he jokes, holding back his laughter. "In a half? I tell you that you're half-human, and the first thing that comes to your head is that you are a half ghost? I don't even think half-ghost exist, baby."

Oh yeah, they do. What else do you call a person who comes back from the dead and can still be seen and touched?

Instead of further elaborating, he bursts out laughing. Can you believe that? He is laughing at me. The king of all vampire kings has checked out, and here comes the human boyish behavior. He is laughing so hard that he loses his breath. Meanwhile, I'm looking at him with my face balled up, trying my best not to karate-kick him. This is not a laughing matter.

"I don't think this is funny," I say to him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes, it is," Nicklaus disagrees, still laughing like a maniac.

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is."

"No, it's not!"

"Yes, it is," he says, with his hand over his stomach.

I'm surprised he hasn't fallen off the sofa at this point. Immature dick. Aaahhh . . .

"If I'm not a half-ghost, what the hell am I then?" I ask, jumping up off the sofa. "Where the hell is that doctor? I'll ask him myself."

I may sound a little crazy. Okay, maybe I sound insane, but who can blame me? First, Nicklaus gets all serious and says that I'm not human. Then, he adds that I am human in the half whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. Next, he starts laughing his ass off while looking at me like I am crazy. I'm not the crazy one; he is!

"You're crazy!" I yell at him, walking away.

"Only for you, baby," he teases, following behind me.

As expected, Nicklaus is in front of the bedroom door before I reach it. "The doctor is pretty much useless at this point, firecracker," he tells me.

"How so? You know what? That doesn't even matter because apparently, you are useless too!" I snap, sending an evil glare his way. I try to make it around his well-toned and muscular frame, which might be deemed mission impossible.

I move to the left side, and he takes a step left. I move to the right side, and he takes a step right.

"Arghhh! You're ridiculous," I tell him, finally giving up.

He doesn't respond. He just stands there with this smug look on his face, annoying me to no end.

"What am I, Nicklaus?" I ask, lowering my head with a shaky voice. Suddenly, I feel like crying. I don't know why? I just do. Gosh, I never cry. What the hell is going on with me? "What's wrong with me?" I mutter.

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