Chapter 19

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The court meeting is held in Ivyvale that is close to Kelna town, meaning it didn't take a lot of time to travel there.

The court meeting building looked similar to the Westminster palace that was destroyed a very long time ago in the Third World War. After the Third World War the earth looked like a desert.

The survivors of the war wanted to create something new and start everything from scratch. Soon they managed to rebuild the earth. Of course, the earth looked weaker but the condition of the earth is improving with each day.

Inside the building, other ladies were interacting with each other, drinking some wine, and sharing gossip. It didn't look like a meeting, more like a party.

"Is this the court meeting?" I asked Charlotte, she laughed at my question.

"Of course not my dear, before the official court meeting we interact. If the court meeting were only for business, not all women would attend." Charlotte explained.

"Shouldn't we separate work from social life? Our decisions can affect the citizens of Ravendale. Should we be more responsible on how we should treat our work?" I asked Charlotte.

"You are right, but during Leonard's ruling, we didn't have this thing, until after his death his wife Cordelia did everything to sway the court into her side," Charlotte whispered to me.

"Oh, Charlotte, I didn't know you had a secret daughter." The lady in a green dress teased her. She probably is from the Emerald household.

"You were close, Emilia, she is my daughter-in-law," Charlotte said. Then Emilia glanced at me and greeted her politely.

"So the rumors were true? That you choose a younger candidate. Well, I can't blame you since she does have great potential, as I have heard through rumors and newspapers about her." Emilia grinned.

"By the way, my dear Charlotte, do you plan to compete in this year's Lady of the Ravendale contest?" Emilia asked her, but Charlotte groaned when she knew that Emilia was going to mention the contest.

"Will it matter if I compete or not? Last time when I made sure that everyone knew that I don't plan to compete. I still won the title Lady of the Ravendale. Winning five times in a row is enough for me. I do not plan to come back." Charlotte answered.

"What is the Lady of the Ravendale contest about?" I asked them. Emilia looked at me with a surprised expression.

"You don't know about the Lady of the Ravendale contests?" Emilia asked me surprisingly.

"She lived most of the time in Etria, Emilia," Charlotte explained to Emilia.

"Oh, I was scared for a second there." Emilia let out a small laugh. Then Charlotte turned to me and started explaining about the contest.

" 'Lady of the Ravendale' is the contest, where the unknown judges choose the most fascinating woman that has an interesting public image. If you manage to win the contest you will receive the title Lady of the Ravendale and receive a lot of attention from men." Charlotte explained.

"I heard that men are the ones who choose the winner of the contest." Emilia corrected Charlotte.

"It does make sense then." Charlotte agreed.

"Perhaps, Annabelle would want to compete?" Emilia asked me.

"As Charlotte said, it doesn't matter if I agree to compete or not, the judge decides the winner," I answered. It sounds good to have a lot of publicity, but receiving a lot of attention from men to the point that some of them will want to become my second rank husbands it's too much for me.

"You will be the youngest Lady of the Ravendale or youngest candidate if judges decide to nominate you," Charlotte said.

"True, if she does win, wouldn't you be afraid for your sons, Charlotte?" Emilia teased Charlotte again.

Charlotte didn't have time to answer her friend's question, because people started entering the courtroom. Meaning the Queen was here and she is ready to start the court meeting.

The courtroom is big. There was a throne where the Queen could sit and listen to the court member's suggestions. There was a balcony where the royalties or high-standing members were seated. This is where Charlotte and Emillie sat. There was a place on the bottom floor where ordinary court members sat. In the center of the room, there is a pedestal where court members can bring their suggestions forward.

Queen Cordellia sat on her throne. She had ginger-colored hair that perfectly matches the white dress. Furthermore, her golden eyes only enhanced her appearance. She had a serious expression on her face as she looked at the balcony where all the highest members were standing. She looked at Charlotte, then she glanced at me and continued looking at who was present at today's meeting. When she was looking around everyone was silent.

"I have received news that Terra bears have been attacking villages, lately. To my knowledge, Terra bears are important to the ecosystem; they have magical powers to revive forests from forest fires. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how we should deal with the situation?" Queen Cordelia asked.

Hey guys here is chapter 19 ! I hope you enjoyed reading it

Kinda obvious that Annabelle will win the contest ( hence the name of the book).

But how will she win? Share your theory.

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