Chapter 35

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Meanwhile, Annabelle doesn't have a clue that her husbands have access to security cameras in Etria, so Annabelle isn't aware of the fact that her husbands are aware of James.

Currently, Annabelle is having a final fitting before the Royal Ball.

Her husbands bought the Legendary Purple Rose Dress that no one can afford, well except for her husbands. The designer who created the dress willingly volunteered to help her fix the dress before the Royal Ball.

At the Royal ball would be revealed who will receive this year's Lady of the Ravendale title.

"I think the dress is a bit overboard for the Royal ball, I'm only the nominee for the title Lady of the Ravendale. " Annabelle lightly sighed as the designer fixed the bottom part of the dress.

"Darling, in the Royal ball nobles dressing in the best clothes, it would be rude to the Royal family, if you didn't try to look best for the ball, no matter if you're just only a nominee for the competition," Nathaniel explained to me.

Nathaniel is in a wardrobe room with Annabelle to keep her company and shower her with compliments.

"Duchess Annabelle, it's my honor to have you wearing my creation. When you wore the Pink Tulip Dress, people started taking more interest in my creations and they could finally see why my price is reasonable for my creations." said the designer then he continued saying.

"To say thank you for buying the dress without requesting a discount, I made a discount for the Rose dress for you and I added Magical Dust on your dress, to fulfill my vision. It will help me to boost people's interest in my boutique." the designer stopped explaining.

The dress indeed looked better with the Magical Dust, creating the illusion of the magical flower.

Annabelle knew that this designer had suffered since he created a dress that required a very expensive material. People liked his creations but thought the price was too much for the dress. He almost went bankrupt, until my husband bought the dress from him.

"I'm glad that now you are in a better position, but you should thank my husband for that since he was the one who chose the dress and bought it for me," Annabelle said with a gentle expression on her face.

She knew that she couldn't have bought the dress for herself, because she can't afford that dress and she would be too afraid to buy it anyway.

Nathaniel was the one who was buying the dress for her for the balls. He didn't have to do that but he does it anyway and the dress would always look good on Annabelle.

"Your husband has great taste." the designer complimented.

"Indeed." Annabelle complimented and looked at Nathaniel.

Nathaniel was happy that Annabelle acknowledged his good sense of style.

"Anything for you, my darling." Nathaniel was happy to be acknowledged by his wife in front of others.

Annabelle just gave a small smile. Inside she felt that she was being ungrateful to what she was given. Every woman in Ravendale is dreaming of taking her place. To have wonderful husbands who will adore you, listen, and spoil you.

Perhaps they listen and spoil me, but adore me? It's hard to say.

They became more affectionate, but I don't know their true feelings.

Soon the designer finished fixing my dress and it was time for dinner. I was tired of standing all the time, so I was glad to be able to relax and eat dinner.

"Did the dress fitting tired you out? " Alexander asked me and I nodded.

"Yes, but I know it's necessary to look perfect in a ball and a famous designer depends on my appearance in a ball." I looked at the ceiling.

Lady of the Ravendale (Book 1, Ravendale series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now