Chapter 1~It Was Wayne & And who's coming?

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Lily's POV

"Lily rose styles!" My mother said barging into my room.

I just looked up at her, giving her the best what the hell look I can master, dosen't she just understand I don't want her in here. I'm perfectly happy by myself.

"I am applaud by your behaviour recently, I thought you knew better than that" My mother yelled in my face, while I on the other hand, just sat there, not bothered by the fact she's yelling at me.

"LILY TALK TO ME" her voice rising, well what dose she want me to do, I don't even know what I have done wrong, I was just sat here in my room minding my business, and then she just barged in, interrupting me, disrespectful.

"Mum, what have I done now"? I asked, annoyance clearly visible in my voice.

"Don't play dumb with me young lady, you know far better than I what you've done, and I won't tolerate it." She said pointing at me. I just sat there, I'm honestly positive I haven't done anything, by the looks of my mother though, It looks like I've commited a bloody crime.

I sighed. "I have no idea what I've done mother, would be nice if you could tell" I said anger bubbling inside of me, if she dosen't hurry the pigs up, I will burst, and my anger will fly out in all directions, getting me in more trouble than I already am.

"You know exactly what you have done Lily, I can't believe you, swearing at your father, sneaking out and back chatting, this is not what I thought you, and this is certainly not how Harry behaved when he was your age" She quickly let out a shaky breath."Your grounded!" She said harshly as she grabbed my phone my laptop, iPod, and left the room, slamming the door shut with a loud thud.

I quickly flopped onto my bed; letting the tears flow like rivers, staining my cheeks.

I can't believe her, none of what she said was true; it was Wayne again, making her hatting me more, lying to her, since when have I swore at him, or even snuk out? NEVER! And now I don't have my music, I'm left with my mind. That thing surly is going to kill me in a click of a finger.

I quickly ran into my bathroom; looking for my best friend, I turned my head rapidly from corner to corner, as I shifted my head to the right, I saw the shiny metal catching my eye. I smiled and quickly ran over to it.  Holding the precious piece of metal tightly in my hand.

I sat myself down, sitting on my legs; without thinking, I rolled my sleeve half way up my arm, exposing my scars that are hiding my deepest, darkest secrets.

I examinated my arm, tracing the scars which were buried deep within my skin, holding back many many secrets. I always felt a connection to them. They always show me the truth.

I pulled the cold piece of metal down my skin, slashing it open, I watched as a red substance poured out of it; and trickled down my arm, jumping onto the polished floor. I did it over and over again. There was just blood. Everywhere.

I decided it was enough, and quickly jumped onto my feet, turning the tap on and letting the warm water run down my arm, cleaning my cuts.

I walked over to my cupboard, opening the left door, pulling my paper towel out, and ripping 3 sheets of it.

I bent down, cleaning the blood that was smeared all over the white tiles. When I was satisfied with my cleaning, I quickly dropped the blood stained paper into the toilet, flushing it down into the sewage.

I rolled my sleeve down, exiting my bathroom.

L!l¥ Rø§é §T¥lé§

I read my name out which was drawn on my door, I drew that when I was wittle, and I liked writing my letters of my name differently, I remember those times, I was this happy cheerful little girl, always flashing her smile, running around the house, stealing sweets. I surly wasen't prepared for what life was like now.

"Lily" Gemma shouted from downstairs.

"huh?" I shouted back just as loudly.

"Come ere' we need to talk to you" She Shouted back.

I sighted preparing myself for what was about to happened downstairs. I slowly walked out of my room, making sure to close the door behind me.

I made my way down the stairs, with the stairs squeaking every time I stood on them.

squeak, squeak, squeak.

I finally made my way over to the living room where my mum and Gemma were sat waiting for me patiently. "Take a seat" Gemma said tapping the seat next to her. Not in the mood for arguing, I gently sat down next to her.

I looked over at my mum who was glaring at me intensively, making me feel quite un comfortable.

"Well we have some guests tomorrow" Gemma started off, looking at me and mum, I guessed mum was still pissed of at me, since she usually did the talking.

"And there gonna be staying for awhile" Gemma continued. Making me feel inpatient.

"Just spit it out" I said annoyed by the dramatic pauses she was making, my mum just gave me that 'watch your mouth' look, and Gemma seemed taking aback by my sudden out burst. I just wasn't in the mood.

"And the guests are one Direction, Yaaaaay" She cheered, obviously happy to see Harry and the band.

'And the guests are One Direction, Guests , One Direction, One Direction, Harry'    

It took awhile for my mind to proceed on what just happened, the people I utterly hate, are coming tomorrow for awhile.

"WHAT?! your kidding me right?!" I yelled, standing up from the couch and spitting my anger out on everyone, I just couldn't believe it. I hated Harry, he broke his promise to me, he said we would keep in contact, I tried for the first year after x Factor, but then he wouldn't answer or text so I left it there. If he din't care bout me, neither I shall care about him and some 5 teenage millionaires who are up there own arse and can get anything they want. I really wish Harry never auditioned, he wouldn't be famous, or rich, he would be the Harry I knew, and grew up with I missed the old times.

"Lily Rose, that's enough of you, Harry has done everything for you and us, and this is how you treat him, Go to your room NOW young lady, I don't want to see you." My Mother yelled at me, poking me in my chest.

"I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment, not everyone can be perfect like Harry" I shouted as I ran up the stairs, slamming my door shut with a loud thud, I groaned and flopped onto my bed, letting the tears fall freely.

My eyelids grew heavy, as darkness slowly over took me, inviting me into a dreamless slumber.

Hey guys, how's the first chapter? I hoped you liked it, and if you have I would appriciate if you voted, commented, you know the flow!:) And thankyou for reading, and let me know if you liked the story, so I can know if to continue writing this book or not! And sorry for any miss spellings I've missed!

Thank you once again.

~Alex~ xx

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