Chapter 12~Arguments

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Lily's P.O.V.

Watching the branches of the trees dance with the wind, was quite entertaining, watching them sway back and forth, swaying more as the wind blew, getting me captivated by it's gentle movements and how pretty the leaves looked as they lost their balance and fell to the ground; slowly swaying as it's flying through the sky. It looked so fragile. So free. Something I'll never be.

I watched as the last little droplet of rain hit the ground, making that little poping noice as it came into contact. I just stared at the wet mark it left. Watched how it started to dry up as seconds ticked on by.

The sun already fighting it's way through the dark clouds, them heading North, away from here. Which I thanked god big time for. I was sat here freezing my arse off.

I decided it was a good idea to head home. Though walking through town looking as you have been running away from a crowd of angry wild life animals, drooling over how nice I would taste, made me think twice. I surly will get, loads, and I mean loads of stares from unidentified people as I make my way home. I was aware that once I step out of this park, I will be constantly watched. Which defiantly... I hated...

I hated the idea of someones eyes on me, watching my every move, judging me. Judging me by the way I looked. A girl with no shoes on; soaking wet;ripped clothes, was defiantly not what you see everyday here in Homes Chapel.

I cleared my mind from all of those negative thought's swirling around, and actually got my butt of that bench, which suprisingly looked amusing. There was just my butt print visible on the bench, as every other part of the wood been soaked by rain, and I left this part dry, caused me to chuckle to myself.

I could just imagine everyone sitting on my butt cheeks, as that's the only dry spot; (probably in the whole park).

I took each small step, following the pathway that lead to the gates. There were puddles everywhere. So I had to do my best to try to avoid them, it was hard. very hard. The were just plotted on the ground everywhere I tried to step. Intruding my walking. This is defiantly going to stop me getting home faster, no doubt about that.

I made it out of the park, luckily; there wasn't many people about, as it literally just stopped raining. There were a few people about, but none of them payed any attention to me, which was good for me of course.

~15 minutes later~

I finally turned my very last corner of my walk. I got a few odd stares, but no one said anything to me.

I took very little steps as my house came into sight. I will now have to explain why I look like this and probably why I don't have my shoes on. I also came home way earlier than was planned. So that's going to be questioned.

I sighted as my feet scraped the asphalt, ripping some skin of my feet, which wasn't comefortable...

I sucked in a breath as my fingertips touch the cold metal, rubbing my fingers across it, examinating it's details, and chipped of gold paint.

I sucked in a breath and pushed the handle down, slowly pushing the door open, peeking inside and quickly stepping in, before I manage to shut the door, the wind kindly does it for me, smacking it shut with aloud thud, that everyone could defiantly hear. "Stupid wind!" I huffed to myself, trying to head for the stairs. But instead, stop straight in my place as soon as I hear voices behind me.

"Back already?" I recognize that voice to be Harry's, I couldn't be arsed with playing 21 Q's, so I totally dismissed Harry's question and carry on walking up the stairs.

"Lily" Someone said, putting a hand on my shoulder, indicating me to stop. Me being me, tried to trow that hand of me, but that persons hand only tightened. He spun me around, only for me to be met by Louis standing infront of me. I looked behind him to see all the boys standing at the bottom of the stair case, worry clouding their eyes.

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