Chapter 24~ New Maths Teacher

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Lily's P.O.V.

Beep, be-

I slammed my hand on my alarm, successfully shutting the sound up.

6:00am. I groaned into my pillow. I never usually wake up this early, but as I went to sleep early, to avoid Harry's scolding from last night, I have to avoid him today. And the easiest way is to be out of the house before he even wakes up. As far as I know he's usually downstairs at 7. So I should leave 10 minutes early to be on the safe side. That's plenty of time to get ready for school.

I jumped hurriedly out of bed, and quickly made the bed. I changed into the uniform, which I hate with a passion. I groaned annoyed by the fact this school uniform just ruins my whole mood.

I threw my frizzy hair into a ponytail, making sure there was no unwanted bumps sticking up.

Once I was satisfied with myself. I applied a little mascara. I blinked every time the brush came into contact with my lashes. Spreading the mascara equally onto my eyes.

Once I was done I grabbed my bag, emptying everything that is in it.

I then proceeded my way to the cupboard where I keep all my books in and school necessities. I quickly packed my stuff for today, which included, my maths book;science;English;art;geography and of course my planner and pencil case.

I threw my bag over my shoulder.

In one swift motion I pulled my phone from my back pocket. 6:48am. I sighed in relief when I checked the time. Good to know Harry will most likely nit run into me in the hallway.

I quickly put my 'black' shoes on and silently tiptoed downstairs, remembering where to stand to the stairs won't squeak.

Once I successfully made it downstairs, I fist pumped the air. It's not everyday I do anything right.

The sound of movement upstairs brought me out of my thoughts and I instantly rushed towards the door, I quickly but quietly opened the door, and literally ran out, remembering to shut the door obviously.

I speed walked until no one (aka. Harry) could see me down the road. I was aware of the fact that my school doesn't start until 8:45, but I had planned what I would do in this time frame. I headed to my place in the woods, as I walked the familiar smell of leaves and fresh cut glass swirled around me making me smile. I love nature. It's just so beautiful and free.

Like mother nature for example, tsunamis;tornadoes;typhoons, the list goes on, but the thing is, no one can stop these things from happening. They are made for a reason. They're just unstopable. They are meant to be made, because without the world wouldn't be the same. To me it's like a little fantasy book. Tornadoes is like a massive gust of wind spinning round in the sky. It's just so out of this world. It's so fascinating and quite scary at the same time. If a ever experience a tornado. I would stop and stare. Mesmerized by it's carefree movements. If anything was meant to kill me. I would let a tornado do it. Because it's much stronger, it's bound to kill you, unless your faith plans otherwise.

I sat down by my familiar Oak tree. As soon as I sat down I felt at peace. I always had this strange connection to nature, it always takes my nerves and stress away. It makes me feel good. Like I'm free...

I sat listening to the birds singing. And I find myself whistling along to the beautiful melody. I shut my eyes close and took a deep breath of fresh air, easing my muscle tension and stress.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and unlock the screen. 8:30am. My eyes go wide. I have been sat here so an hour and a half? It felt like 5 minutes.

I sighted knowing I had to leave this place and go to school. Just the thought of school brought shivers to my spine.

I showed my earphones into my ears and started walking towards school; a familiar tune started pumping through my ears~ helio- to write love on her arms.

Once I reached the school gate I pulled my phone out and turned the music up as loud as it will go in attempt to block all the nasty comments and looks that are fired like bullets at me.

To my surprise it worked and I didn't hear anything. Which made me release the long breath I was holding.

I checked my time table to confirm me I had maths first. I headed down the corridor towards maths 5. It was a short walk so I got there quite quickly.

I leaned on the wall besides the door as the first bell rang telling people to get to lesson.

I watched as a massive swarm of people headed in all different directions.

I kept my head low. Soon enough there was now quite a lot of people standing by maths 5. I sighed in relief when no one acknowledge my presence.

The teacher opened the door and everyone piled in, I waited to the end, not really in the mood to be pushing and shoving.

Once everyone was through the door, I walked in and sat in my seat. Second row on the left, near the window. I loved this seat. I took my pencil case and planner out, and my maths book.

"Alright class" The teacher said, which made me furrow my eyebrows up. His voice sounded qay deeper and lower. I brought my head up and dropped my pen to the floor straight away. Sweat formed on my forehead and my heart began beating faster then before, increasing by the seconds.

He's my maths teacher. Adam Parker is my maths teacher.

How can they let a person like him teach kids? How could they even let him on the school grounds. I don't understand human beings. They're all f*cked up!

Once he caught sight of me he smirked. I instantly felt sick. That's what I mean. I can never get out of trouble. It's only piling up.

I tried to seem not nervous at all. I tried my best to block him out, but as much as I tried it wouldn't work. My brains is just focused on him. The pressure and stress are building up inside me. The note. He said he would get me. And now I know he's completely serious.

"lily" He said awfully sweetly.

I brought my head up in disgust but did my best to hide my emotions.

"tell the class how to multiply out the bracket" He said simply.

He knows I wasn't listening, and I know he only is doing this to ruin me. Ruin my life. Not like he hasn't enough already.

"I don't know" I said looking down, I heard laughter behind me making me sink down into my seat more.

"pardon?" he said. I sighted hoping he wasen't going to make me say it.

"I don't know... sir" I said with hate in my voice, but for like the 6th time today I did my best to hide my emotions.

"okay, who wants to tell Lily how to multiply out the bracket then?" he said smirking secretly in my direction. I flopped my head down and everything else was a blur.

Finally the bell went and I stood up and started quickly packing my bag. I couldn't stand being in this room any longer, I felt like I was going to explode. Out of nowhere, a sheet of paper has been thrown onto my desk and without thinking I lift my head up.

"Do all the questions for tomorrow" Mr.Parker said smirking at me. My mouth made the shape of an o. There surly was about 60 Q's. I looked around the room to see no one else got hm. I loath him. I really do.

I shoved the 'hm' into my bag and rushed out of the classroom heading towards the science block. Hoping I will not have any surprise's there.

Hey guys! I would like to thank all of you for reading and everything! It really does mean alot to me!:3 Please vote and comment!:') anyways I've got half term now so I will be updating more often since I will have loads of spare time!:3

Love you all. You all should love yourself's too. Remember your ALL beautiful!

Lily Rose StylesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon