Chapter 18~ Lily

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Harry's P.O.V.

"Niall stop eating the cheesecake!" Louis shouted snatching it away from Niall, shoving a spoonful of it into his own mouth; grinning from ear to ear.

"Not funny! Your gonna get it" Niall said repeating Louis actions and snatching it away from Louis, shoving massive portion on of into his mouth. Way bigger than Louis's. Just as Louis was leaning to snatch it away; once again. Daddy Direction saved us all from the cheesecake 'fight' that apparently is very 'addicting' as Niall says.

"Stop you two" Liam said snatching the cheesecake away throwing it to the nearby bin.

"Don't think about getting another one Niall" Liam said turning around just as Niall opened the fridge, he shut it close again, threw his hands in the air in a 'I'm not doing anything' manner and made his way towards the table.

I just stood there waiting impatiently for Lily to come for dinner.

"Is Lily coming, I'm starving" Niall wined, rubbing his tummy.

"You just ate cheesecake... What is up with your stomach, and how are you not using those motorbikes things driving around Tescos, because your over weight. But you. You just brake the rules. Your skinny as a stick, but you still eat like a flippin Panda" Louis said, trying to look confused as ever.

I was listening to their conversation but wasn't really botherd to join in.

"Lily!" I shouted again getting more impatient with her as the time ticked on bye.

"I'm coming" She shouted back followed by her little feet clicking away on the wooden stairs.

I just sat down on a chair across from Louis waiting for Lily to show up, but she never came.

I furrowed my eyebrows up, as I was about to call her again, aloud thud alarmed me, sounded like something hard hit the floor.

I jolted up quickly from the table running into the hallway, lads hot on my heels. Then I saw her, I saw Lily, Lying lifeless on the ground.

"Lily!" I said kneeling down next to her, tapping her cheeks lightly trying to wake her up.

"Zayn get a glass of water, and the others let's get her outside, she needs fresh air" Liam said. Zayn headed of straight away towards the kitchen, and I picked Lily up bridal style and carried her out.

I was quite scared to be honest, I've never seen Lily pass out like that. Though, people might seem like I'm used to it because I see millions of girls pass out everyday, I'm not. It scares me. I don't get how one minute your walking, then the next; you just collapse onto the floor... It's just strange.

I carefully placed Lily on the bench we have in our backgarden, she fit onto it perfectly.

Soon Zayn came back with some water, and a cloth soaked in water.

"I brought this, I read somewhere it helps when someone passes out" Zayn said showing us the soaked cloth.

He went over to her and put it carefully over her forehead.

"What do we do now?" I asked I wanted her to wake up, I din't like seeing her like this, she looked so... Dead.

"We have to wait till she wakes up" Louis answered, consern visible in his voice.

-10 minutes later-

"When is she going to wake up? Is she going to wake up? how long on Earth does it take to wake up? what if she dos-"

"Harry calm down, it's fine, she's fine" Zayn said placing his big hand on my shoulder, I sighted and tryed to clear my mind of all the negative thoughts. Which is harder than it sounds when that's all you could really think about.

I ran a hand through my hair letting out a long breathe I didn't know I was holding.

I was just worried, worried about her. Why did she pass out? She's healthy, exersices, maybe there something stressing her out? But what could be so big that a 14 year old can stress so much about that it leads them to pass out!?

Loud breathing filled mine and the lads ears, us instantly turning our heads towards Lily.

She started moving a little bit, it seemed as she was trying to open her eyes but couldn't. I just knelt down next to her and held her hand, reassuring her it's going to be fine.

Her eyelids slowly opened up, revealing the piercing brown eyes of hers; which I was so excited to see.

"Your awake" Louis said bending down and hugging her, smiling.

I was smiling too, we were all smiling.

It honestly felt like the weight was dropped of my shoulders as soon as she opened her eyes. It just felt so good knowing she's okay.

Zayn handed the water to Lily, as she slowly sat up, and sipped on the cold water Zayn poured for her a couple minutes back.

She gaved us a small smile and handed her cup to the nearest peraon to her, which happens to be me.

"You feeling okay now?" I asked, those words rolling of my tongue without me even thinking to say them.

"Yeah, just got a little headache and feeling tired, but that's all" She said her voice sounded worn out.

I picked her up bridal style again, just as I did before but this time she was looking at me, and not having her head hanging of my arms.

"W-what are you doing?" She croaked out as I carried her back into the house.

"Taking you upstairs" I replied simply, walking up the stairs, making sure Lily's legs don't get caught on the railings.

We made it to the top of the stairs safely and I walked into her room, tucked her in. Planted a kiss on her forehead and went out. By then she was already asleep.

I figured I should open the window for her to let some fresh air in. I quietly opened her door, and tiptoed back in, opening the window, letting the cold, refreshing breeze hit my face, spreading goosebumps all over.

I walked back out shutting the door quietly making sure to not wake her up.

She really does weigh hardly anything. She's so light. Maybe that's why she passed out? Well one thing I know for sure, I'm booking her in for doctors appointment tomorrow first thing. She can miss a day of school tomorrow. And I still have to tell her that mum and Gemma went away for a week. We were gonna tell her at the dinner table but then this happened.

I sighted whilst walking into the living room, flopping onto the avaliable seat next to Niall.

I focused my gaze on whatever the guys were watching on the telly. I let that draw me in.

Heyy guys! Thankyou so, so much for reading and everything, I love you all!:3 Uhh. It's monday tomorrow, again, another week of school:L... I already can't wait till friday!:3 aha. I think I have some sort of obsession with weekends...

Lily Rose StylesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora