Chapter Eight: Yamato Vs. Senbonzakura

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Looking down at the group of beings, you smirked seeing an angry Renji glaring daggers at you, but you were more focused on the the other guy that was with him. You still hated how those cherry blossoms were able to cut into you and incapacitate for a short amount of time, you didn't care if your guard was down or not that was embarrassing.

You leaped from your post and landed on the ground next to Ichigo, before smacking him on the head with Yamato's sheath.


Y/N: For going off on your own without telling me first, do you really think you could take both of these guys on, on your own?

Ichigo: I could sense them and I didn't have enough time to get you!


The two of you proceeded to start a shouting match with each other as Renji, Byakuya, and Rukia watched with this, Rukia looking annoyed, with Renji looking confused with Byakuya... Expression not changing one bit.

A tick mark appeared on Rukia's face before she decided to end the little predicament as of right now.


You and Ichigo: WHAT!

Rukia: If you haven't noticed yet, Uryu is bleeding out, and you guys need to go and get him help, this doesn't concern you two.

Hearing this, you and Ichigo looked at each other, snapping back to the situation you looked to see a small pool of blood appearing around Uryu before looking towards Renji and Byakuya. Sighing you knew you and Ichigo had to do something about this, even with Ichigo being an amateur still, he had to pull his own weight for this to work. You gripped your sword before getting prepared.

Y/N: Alright Strawberry listen up, you take the goggled one, I'll take the black-haired one.

Ichigo:..... Fine.... But why--

Y/N: The other is way beyond your league so I'll deal with him, Rukia make sure that glasses over there doesn't bleed to death.

Rukia much to her irritation nodded her head and agreed with this.

Ichigo grabbed his sword and gripped it tightly, while you got into your usual stance ready to take out the one who attacked you last time. 

Without a moment's notice the two of you rushed at Renji and Byakuya, but you noticed Byakuya was aiming at Ichigo, your instincts kicked in quick and you vanished from sight and reappeared in between Ichigo and Byakuya who looked with slight surprise of your speed.

Y/N: You're pissing me off forgetting that I'm here as well Kuchiki, it's about time you show me some respect!

Knocking him back with great force Byakuya skidded to a stop and glared at you, seeing how you did that with minimal effort he knew it would lead to his death if he didn't fight seriously.

Byakuya: Very well then, Renji, deal with the other one, I shall finish this one off.

Seeing how he held his Zanpakuto you knew it was coming and decided to not to wait like an idiot, you quickly performed Judgement Cut, but Byakuya was to sense it and teleport away and reappear behind you with his blade ready to pierce you. You blocked it effortlessly with Yamato, both of you struggling for dominance before the two of you vanished from the area, leaving a battling Ichigo and Renji on the field not even knowing the two of you left for the town.

Your blades clashed with a fury sparks dancing from them before you leaped back slashing away with Judgement Cut once more only nipping the man in the shoulder as he vanished again and slashed you in the side. It healed quickly but you were stabbed in the stomach from behind causing you to grunt you quickly warped away before coming at Byakuya with a flurry of sword strikes, sheathing and releasing Yamato at great speeds. When you knocked Byakuya's hands away you came at him and kicked him in the chest sending him sliding back across the sky.

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