Chapter Thirteen: It Has Begun

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Looking at the massive cloud of dust and dirt shoot up in front of you, you were quite impressed by the sight. You feel a large amount of energy and untapped potential coming from the area. As one person stood in the center of it. Looking with amusement for once you were happy to see Ichigo standing there. Along with what appears to be his Zanpakuto, Zangetsu. Although looking at it now you noticed it was still a pretty large sword, almost like a knife to be more specific.

Y/N: It's about damn time you learned the name of your blade Strawberry, now we can finally get on with our mission. And I'll finally be able to pay that cherry blossom prick a visit.

You noticed Urahara was standing next to him, you couldn't hear what they were saying but it must have been important. But that was when you heard Ichigo yell what causing you to realize whatever he was told was not good. You watched the Soul Reaper walk towards you and that's when you asked him what was wrong.

Ichigo: He said wait seven days for his signal.

Ichigo noticed your right eye was twitching and it was something was starting to worry him until you sighed and walked away with a simple fine. If you had waited for any longer after these seven days you were going to do something drastic and not in a pleasant way. Looking down at Yamato you wondered about that boost in power you had achieved, wondering as to where it had come from. Also wondering will it come back during the rescue.

Ichigo: Hey where are you going?

Y/N: Deep in the woods to do a little practicing, if you want to come along you can.

Ichigo: I'm good, I'm going to head home for right now, I'll tell the others you're not going to be home for some time. My sister Yuzu has grown fond of you already.

You scoffed before leaving for the woods not to practice physically but to practice mentally. Something you have never really done before in your life. You wanted to make sure you were at your best once the rescue began. You didn't want to let your revenge get the best of you. So meditation would be the best thing for you to do at this moment. Finding a decent spot under a waterfall, you removed the upper part of your clothing and sat under it. Letting the cold water strike at you made your body relax.

Your Thoughts: Why am I so focused on getting to Rukia and rescuing her, I've never cared so much about anyone other than myself. So what's changed me? Could it be this world, the people here are influencing me somehow. Just what is it that's making me want to go and rescue her so badly? I don't feel anything romantic towards her? Or do I just want to find that woman I've been seeing?

Feeling close by you opened an eye to look around at your surroundings. Trying to pinpoint anything out of the ordinary. But you were unable to find whatever it was. Although you did spot a black cat staring at you a couple of feet away from the waterfall.

Something about that cat was making you wonder about it, it did not feel like a regular cat at all

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Something about that cat was making you wonder about it, it did not feel like a regular cat at all. Something about it was just not right to you, and as you got up to see it and ran off. Shrugging it off you went back to your meditation. Clearing your mind of any bothersome thoughts. Erasing your thoughts of Dante, power, dominance, just focusing on what is more important. That was when you were able to feel an immense power surging within you. But instead of raging like a storm, it was calm and flowing almost like the water.

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