Chapter Nine: Devil Trigger Vs. Bankai

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Byakuya stared at you with disbelieving eyes at the sight of your form now. He couldn't believe you had something like this up your sleeve, it was like you had your own version of Bankai and had released it for the world to see. But feeling this energy rippling off of you and around the area, he knew for a fact that it was indeed not a Bankai but something else. Something monstrous, demonic, no, that wasn't the word. Something more of the lines of . . . devilish.

Y/N: Alright then . . . you've released your ace in the hold, and now here is my ace . . . but I'm not done here either.

You vanished from his sight before Byakuya could comprehend what just happened, blood sprayed from a wound in his shoulder. His eyes widened as he turned to see you cocking your demonic hand back. Beowulf replacing Yamato as your eyes met.

Y/N: Here's a take of my joker.

Drilling your fist into his face the a sickening crack was here before Byakuya went flying through the miles and miles of buildings and houses before stopping. He carefully got up wiping the rubble away from his clothing and feeling his cheek. To his relieve it was not broken, but it was definitely cracked, and to Byakuya's worry he knew you didn't hit him with your full strength.

Byakuya's Thoughts: What power, that punch was not at full strength and he was able to send me flying this much. No doubt about it, I must deal with him, if I ever want to deal with Rukia.

He sadly did not have anymore time to think as you were closing in on his fast, you had leaped into the air before zooming down upon him. The captain evaded using Shunpo, but you had changed directions fast and rushed to your right just as Byakuya reappeared, much to his surprise, but the punch you sent didn't connect as petals guarded him.

You leaped back feeling cut at your skin again, you then stomped the ground with enough force to create a smokescreen. Byakuya seeing this quickly used the petals to scatter it away, but saw you were nowhere to be seen. He quickly ducked though from getting his head kicked off by you only for you vanish again, delivering a powerful uppercut to his chin sending skyrocketing into that sky. You stopped to see them go high and not stopping

Your Thoughts: Huh . . . that what's his name's move sure does some damage.

You looked up to see a waterfall of flower petals hurdling towards you, while you were planning to evade them. You wondered as to how Ichigo was doing against that Renji person, he seemed to have been having a little trouble at first. But feeling the presence around you, you knew he was doing alright. In fact, it felt like his spiritual pressure had gotten even stronger than before.

You quickly moved away from the petals, but they immediately turned and slammed into you knocking you into an open street and into a familiar place. You got up and looked around, recognizing this as your job. But just before you could get out of the bar, the unthinkable happens. Showers and showers of Senbonzakura crashed into the bar, causing the entire building to come tumbling on top of you.

Byakuya had landed on the ground in front of the rubble, he was at first intimidated by your sudden ability, but had shaken that off to get himself back in the fight. There was a blue glow under the mess before you shot out. You had tried slamming into Byakuya but he evaded causing you to punch a building instead. Leaving a massive crater from the force.

You slowly turned to face Byakuya the atmosphere around the two of you becoming uneasy from your anger. You glowed with energy as you sent Beowulf away and summoned Yamato back with Summoned Swords spinning around you.

Y/N: Oh mercy is so out the window now!

Sensing something immediately, Byakuya used shunpo to dodge being sliced into pieces, but quickly looked to you above him again. You slammed your sword down ready to slice him in half, only for millions of flower petals to engulf you. But you quickly sliced them before another round at towards, but it seemed quite pointless you had slashed through them all again with your Dark Slayer style.

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