Chapter Eleven: The Dark Knight

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You did not know whether or not you were in Heaven or Hell right about now, you looked down towards your hand to see it was trembling. It was not trembling with excitement like you would have liked it to be. No, it was trembling with utter fear from the sight of your old man in front of you. You didn't Urahara's whatever to do something like this and bring your father here.

Your Thoughts: I can't believe this is happening, father is right here in front of me. But wait, it can't be him, this has to be some kind of an illusion or whatever.

You jumped a little after Sparda turned towards you, he did not say a word to you or anything. He just stared as if he was expecting you to do something yourself. It felt as though time had stopped and neither one of you had planned on moving. In fact, you didn't know what do at the moment till Sparda finally spoke.

Sparda: Y/N, is that you my son?

Y/N: Father . . . I . . . I.

Sparda: I can see that you have gotten quite strong since the last time I had seen you, it makes me quite proud to see you so grown up. 

Unknown to you, a smile was starting to sprout on your face, even though you knew this wasn't really your dad, just hearing it from this copy just made you smile. But that smile soon started to fade away as a large demonic energy enveloped around Sparda. You saw Sparda raise his arm up before his sword appeared in his hand. This caused you to sweat feeling the immense force coming from your father's copy.

Sparda: You may have gotten stronger, but that doesn't mean you have reached your full potential, if I were to compare you and Dante, I would say--

You didn't let him finish as a blue aura erupted around you in anger as you stared at the copy with malice.

Y/N: Don't you dare compare me to that dunce of a brother, you really think that he's more experienced than I am, no I am far above Dante in power and strength, and I'll prove it by taking your head, you may be a copy of father but you sure as hel...

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Y/N: Don't you dare compare me to that dunce of a brother, you really think that he's more experienced than I am, no I am far above Dante in power and strength, and I'll prove it by taking your head, you may be a copy of father but you sure as hell aren't him.

Sparda: Then prove it then, come and show your dad how strong you've gotten.

Warping in front of Sparda, unsheathing Yamato so fast you thought you were about to break your arm from the speed. But to your not so surprise Sparda guarded it with just his knee before delivering a head rolling punch to your jaw. A sickening was heard from the force of your jaw breaking but repaired immediately just as you landed, Sparda was on you again.

You quickly warped out of the way as he sent a fist coming your way, the force of it sent the rocks, dust, and debris getting knocked around the place. You shaking this off you decided to get back into the groove of things. You knew this was a fake Sparda, but Urahara somehow made him just as powerful as the real Sparda. One mistake could lead to your death and there was one other thing that you realized. The fight started and Sparda hasn't used his copy of his sword.

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