A Dragon's Christmas Wish

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  Merry Christmas! (I still plan on releasing a chapter eventually of the two of them getting used to each other during the bonding period, but have some Christmas fluff for now)  

Contentment was a new feeling, but one you could get used to.

Namjoon had been living with you for two months now, and it had been perfect. Sure, there had been awkward moments as the two of you got used to each other. You had to relearn what it was like to live with someone again after years of being alone, and with a guy at that. No amount of wet towels on the floor or broken dishes could dampen this bone-deep feeling of absolute contentment, however. The overwhelming loneliness that had been eating away at your soul for years was being healed as you lay wrapped in Namjoon's arms every night, like you were at this very moment.

You've basically moved into his bedroom now, since every night that first week he'd been unable to sleep otherwise, claiming the "itch" would keep him awake if you tried to sleep in your own room. He'd even started to move some of his plushies off the bed to make more room for you, although the Ryan with the hoodie that you'd bought him still stayed in its place of honor near his pillow. You didn't mind it at all, even if it made your heart a bit confused to try to keep your growing feelings under control. It was a little hard to not allow yourself to think certain things about Namjoon when he was literally wrapped around your entire body so tightly that you could feel everything.

That everything being the inevitable morning wood that always slotted itself perfectly behind you. And of course, there was the nibbling. He'd started that up after the first month. A few nights a week you'd wake up to him kissing and nipping slightly on your neck while still fast asleep. You'd never mentioned either issue to him, not wanting to embarrass him or make him uncomfortable around you.

You still hadn't been brave enough to look up information about hybrid/human relationships. You knew they were possible considering that you were well aware of Soonyoung and Jihoon's relationship, but you didn't know how they actually worked. But the constant wondering and imagining of what things would be like with Namjoon had you wanting to at least look into it, even if you had no idea if he actually liked you in that way.

You force your mind to quiet down as you try to open your eyes against the intrusive light, groaning silently at having to be awake. You were so comfortable wrapped up against Namjoon's heated skin and you dreaded that you were going to have to crawl out of the warm bed into the winter tainted air of your house. Unfortunately, your bladder didn't agree with your desire to stay so you tried to pry Namjoon's fingers off your stomach, scootching forward a bit to try to slip out of his arms without waking him. Instead, his hands tightened their hold on you and he pulled you even closer to his chest.

You snort and tap the fingers of the apparently awake hybrid. "Namjoon. Joonie, you gotta let me up."

"Nope," Namjoon's sleep-roughened voice mumbled into your hair.

"Jooooon. Up, sweetheart. I really have to go."

He answered by nestling in closer to your neck and pretending to snore.

"You're not asleep. Up before I pee the bed."

His sigh is loud and dramatic, and he is so lucky that he is cute because dragon morning breath was on another level.

"Trust me, I don't want to get up either. I know as soon as I do I'm going to turn into a popsicle. I've gotten entirely too comfortable with your furnace of a body and even a bit of cold is too much for me. You're spoiling me."

Namjoon releases you easily and you glance over your shoulder to see him blushing with a cute little side smile. You grin back and throw the blankets off of you.

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