Special Edition Chapter

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This is the thirty day bonding period report of Kim Namjoon. I am writing this because Kim Heechul is a tyrant who threatened to make everything I eat taste like broccoli for an entire month if I missed even a single day. For my owner's privacy, since I don't know who all is going to see this, I won't use her real name. Her aura has always reminded me of one of my favorite jewels in my collection, a star blue sapphire, so for this report her name will be recorded as Star.

Day 1: Here we go, first entry. The house is incredible and I have my own room. It's a charming farmhouse with tons of space and a bunch of land. There's even a massive forest that apparently is part of her property as well. I'm looking forward to exploring it all later. I can't help but wonder if Star's been lonely out here by herself. There are tons of rooms in this house and everything sort of echos when it's quiet. The thought of her sitting in here by herself is heartwrenching. If she adopted me because's all alone, I hope I can make her happy. I should probably also report that my dumb biology has decided she's a part of my hoard. I can't sleep without her now. I normally would have wanted to wait until we were more comfortable, but she dealt with the situation with grace.

Day 2: Not too much to report today. We spent most of the day buying more things for my bedroom. Since Star is a part of my hoard now, she insisted on buying an even bigger bed and stashed the old one in one of the other rooms. This one is something called an Eastern King sized bed and is the biggest mattress I've ever seen. I could fit so much on here. Put that eyebrow away, hyung. There is a room that she keeps locked and when I asked her about it she said it was just storage. Seems strange to have a whole room just to stash stuff. And why keep it locked it she was the only one living here?

Day 3: I may have made a mistake today. I've been so happy here that I wanted to thank her. I can hear you saying, "You gave her a jewel, right?" Well, I'm afraid I didn't. I tried to make her breakfast. I KNOW, hyung. I learned that it's possible to melt a pan and leave the meat inside of it raw. Who knew? Lucky for me, Star was too busy laughing about the pan to really get too mad at me. She gave me a hug before telling me I'm banned from the kitchen.

Day 4: I spent the day scenting my territory. Every bit of this house (minus that locked room) and the land surrounding it are now marked. I even got away with subtly marking Star. This is feeling more like home every day.

Day 5: I don't want to hurt her feelings, so I've been eating everything she's been making me. You'd be proud of me, I haven't complained once! Even when she gave me three scoops of broccoli. Although for broccoli, it wasn't as bad as some I've had. She put garlic and stuff in it. Maybe soon I'll be brave enough to tell her what kind of food I like. I don't think she'd get mad, but you never know.

Day 6: The new Marvel movie came out today. Star was so excited and I couldn't help fall for her a bit more today. I admit I had a crush before, but she was just shining with happiness and every time she smiled at me my heart felt like it was going to burst. It doesn't feel like a crush anymore. The theater was packed and we were pressed together like sardines, but neither of us seemed to mind. She even let me hold her hand. Could she ever return the feelings of someone that is basically an animal, though? Hyung, what do I do?

Day 7: Soonyoung and Jihoon came to hang out today. It was the first time anyone has come by since I'd marked it as my territory, and I think I did pretty well. Only growled a little bit, I promise. That was mostly because of Jihoon hogging Star. He was totally egging me on though, I swear. Smirking whenever he saw me watching. He's known me too long and knows how to push my buttons. He made up for it by telling me everything he knew about Star. The way he talks it's like Soonyoung and Star are the best people on the planet...I think I'm starting to agree.

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