Dragon Warmth (M)

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A/N: The smut is here! It's a little short, since it's been crazy at work, but I wanted to give you guys something. It's also pretty vanilla since it's Dragon Joonie's first time, but boy will learn some things eventually. The spoiler for the next chapter is: We meet a new hybrid that likes riddles ;) 

One of the most charming features of aging homes is their ability to fall apart during the least convenient times. Like how the power has currently gone out in the middle of a snowstorm and you can't get a hold of anyone to come out and fix it because it's too late in the evening.

You sigh as the air in the big house begins to take on a sharp bite, rubbing your arms as you assess your stack of wood next to the already blazing fireplace. This should be enough to get you through the evening and maybe into the next afternoon. You'd already braved the storm to take all of the food to the barn where there was an extra fridge and freezer set up to a small generator, since this wasn't exactly the first time this had happened. You'd have to pull the couch closer and sleep on it tonight if you wanted to stay warm - no way would a single fireplace be able to heat all the way to your bedroom. And you weren't really sure how comfortable he'd be with his long ass legs, but if you could talk Namjoon into sleeping on the couch with you then you'd have the added bonus of the Dragon's natural heat to help keep you warm too.

As if you summoned him with your thoughts alone, Namjoon finally leaves his studio for the first time in several hours. He had been using the last bit of daylight to write in this huge notebook that he'd been toting around for a while (He still refuses to let you look, but he blushes so cutely whenever you ask that you let him get away with it). He looked unfairly comfortable wearing nothing but basketball shorts and a tank top, while you had thrown on a sweater and hoodie, sweats, thermals and three pairs of socks. He comes up and wraps his arms around your waist, humming into your hair as you turn back to the fireplace.

"Still not able to get a hold of anyone?"

"Nope," you scoff. "Soonest anyone can be here is 2pm tomorrow."

"Mmm," he hummed, "l guess we no choice but to turn in early tonight since there's not much we can do without power or the ability to go outside."

"Yeah. Any chance you wanna sleep out on the couch with me?"

"As if I can get any sleep with you off in another room," he scoffs as he walks over to the couch. "It'll be tight, but we can handle it."

He pulls the couch closer to the fire and you whisper a silent apology to the old wooden flooring that was surely getting scratched underneath.

"There," he grunts, patting the cushions with a self-satisfied grin. "We can get cozy and I'll read to you until we're tired enough to go to sleep."

Namjoon splays himself across the couch, laying against the left armrest with a few pillows before he opens his arms. You smile and crawl in between his legs, using his chest as a pillow as you lay back and pull the couch blanket over the both of you. He reaches back and grabs the book he'd been reading the past couple of days and opens it to where he left off, clearing his throat before he starts reading. You don't really listen to the words since he's starting in the middle and you have no idea what happened before, but his deep voice and the rumbling in his chest vibrating against your back is comforting.

From your place, you can look right out of the front room window and observe the wild storm. The howling wind is strong and shaking at your windows, but thankfully those at least are holding up.

Namjoon pauses his reading for a moment to drink some water and you take the chance to mention something that had been bothering you.

"I hope Mark doesn't get sick again in this weather. This is so bad."

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