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Leaving behind the estate to be consumed by flames, I feel reminiscent now of Grandpa and how he had to hide everything...

...though I don't walk away alone. I walk away holding the hand of Cypher.

The stuffed wolf draws my curiosity, asking him, "Are you afraid of the werewolves like everyone else?"

"Mama say to," Cypher replies, glancing down at the ground when we approach an area that plummets down into a ravine. When we halt our movements, the worry rises on his features, he turns to me and says, "Kat say no fear."

"Kat is a very smart girl," I wink at him, bending down as I lift him into my arms. He sits on my right hip, looking down at the ravine and then back at me.

"I scared," Cypher's grip tightens as he buries himself against me.

I whisper, my arms holding him strong as I take a step closer to the edge, "You have nothing to fear. I promise."

Cypher tilts his chin up, looking up at me with a very small smile on his face. He says nothing, but nods when I wrap my left arm around his back, breathing out as I step off the edge. The air rushes around us, hitting the ground below not seconds later.

I give to the impact, absorbing the shock as the air leaves Cypher's lungs. Setting him down, he doesn't want me to let go, and he asks, "No down. Hold me?"

Nodding, I reply, "Alright, just for a little bit."

"Little bit," he uses one hand and measures with his index finger and thumb, squinting his eyes. I can't help but giggle, a wider smile spreading on his lips when we begin walking again.

"Cypher?" I ask when we walk for a while, covering a great distance in such a short amount of time. He looks at me as I continue holding him, slowing my pace when I continue, "Why did Kat have to go away?"

His features instantly drop, frowning as he says, "I don't know."

"Has she always lived at that estate?" I try to question him, but I'm not sure how much knowledge this four-year-old possesses...or what he can recall.

"No," he shakes his head and says.

"Do you know where she went with her parents?" Changing tactics, my next question causes him to think hard, furrowing his brows as he attempts to recall.

He shakes his head in defeat and replies, "No, just know far."

With a light smile on my lips, I tell him, "Thank you for being very helpful."

"Welcome!" His energy starts to shine and come through, the dark cloud that was his mother no longer hangs over his head like an ominous storm on the horizon. Setting him down on the ground, Cypher holds my hand as we walk side by side. It is a few minutes later when he squeezes my hand gently and says, "I so hungry."

My heart skips a beat, glancing down at him. In any other instance, I would gladly offer him my blood, but I don't know what might happen...

...with my blood memories.

It didn't really hit me until now...what may or may not transpire from another...yet...

Nodding, I kneel to his level and pull back the sleeve of my coat, sinking my fangs into the soft flesh of my inner wrist.

...I can manipulate my memories, though it will take a taxing toll on my senses for the next couple of hours.

I'll just stand vigilant and guard him; keep moving forward will be the best option.

Tempted Fate |18+ (Ménage)✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora