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A sharp cry leaves my lips when Grandpa Sebby's wolf charges forward at Marc's, the two spiraling on the grass a few yards away. I get to my hands and knees, anger rushing through me as the wound caused by Marc's wolf's bite heals within a matter of seconds, the damage repaired. Glancing back over my shoulder as I rise to my full height, I see the two wolves snarling at each other in a tussle for dominance, Marc's wolf quickly submitting to Grandpa Sebby's, but also attempting to maneuver a way to stand in front of Rose.

Dante releases a sigh, shaking his head and stating, "Something so childish to fight over..."

Grandpa Sebby shifts to skin, his breathing slightly uneven as he orders, "Let them sort it out! Stay OUT of it!"

Marc shifts to skin and retorts, "I'm not going to allow someone to hurt my pregnant mate! Are you insane?!"

"I won't hurt her..." my voice trails off, a smirk tugging at the corner of my lips, "...much."

"Dot is a fucking true born hybrid...she'll tear Rose apart!" Marc shakes his head, yet everyone freezes when we hear a cry.

"NAKED!" Cypher's voice is loud and shrill as he covers his face with his small hands, though Grandpa is the one to walk beside him. Grandpa Sebby and Marc say nothing to one another before fur replaces skin, though they hold their positions.

He halts his steps in front of Cypher, kneeling before he reaches out and touches the back of his hands shielding his eyes. Grandpa gently pries Cypher's hands away from his eyes, their gazes meeting. Cypher's eyes search over Grandpa's face, unsure for a moment while Grandpa regards him in the same manner. Grandpa lifts one of his hands to Cypher's cheek, looking him over as my heart skips a beat.

"Daddy?" Cypher asks, the watery undertone in his voice breaking my heart should Grandpa make the wrong choice.

Grandpa nods his head, replying quietly, "I'm sorry..."

"Why sorry? Not you fault," Cypher's eyes spark with light and life, a small smile forming on his lips. He furrows his brows and adds, "Dot says mama lie. Don't hate me?"

"No, I don't," Grandpa surprises me in an instant, "how can I hate someone I don't even know?"

This, this is my Grandpa. This is the Grandpa I know and love from my era, despite the fact that he's very much the real Cormac Arin in this era.

Breathing in deeply and exhaling slowly, I change also, glancing at Rose as she stands to her feet and stating, "A true ruler cares for everyone, not themselves. The wellbeing of all those that reside under them is their responsibility," I pause a moment and release a sigh, "I hope you understand that one day, it isn't about you...it's about them."

Rose's features heal and realign from breaking her nose, the blood still trickling off her chin and hitting her chest. She holds my gaze, her wolf coming forward as I greet her with mine, her voice lost as she shakes her head with defeat, tears falling from her eyes.

"Cherish everything and everyone...accept those into your life that are willing to love and be an equal part in it..." my voice trails off as the air catches in my lungs, seeing how Marc's wolf looks to me as well as Grandpa Sebby's, though I finish with, "...you truly never realize what you have until it's gone."

A nod acknowledging me is all I need, yet she also says, "Thank you."

It's sincere and genuine, despite her ego taking a hit...

...mother said that Rose was a horrible mother...but a good Queen, despite all the odds against her. This...this is the side I can appeal to and I can't forget this.

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