Gender Predictions

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"They have really good sandwiches here," Hoseok's wife suggested. You looked around the cafe to see if anything looked good to eat. Your eyes stopped on the cake display. 

"Craving sweet things?" Y/B/F/N asked, following your gaze. 

"Going straight for dessert," Hoseok's wife laughed. 

"The chocolate cake looks so good, but Jimin is always telling me to eat healthy for the baby," you said quietly, "but it's all I can think about now." 

As the waitress arrived, Y/B/F/N and Hoseok;'s wife looked at each other. You opened your mouth to order a sandwich, but Y/B/F/N cut you off, "3 slices of chocolate cake, please," 

"With cream," Hoseok's wife added.

"Thank you," you giggled at their cheekiness. 

"You know they say when you crave sweet food, you're having a girl" Eleanor squealed happily. 

"That's true. I kept wanting cookies when I was pregnant and I had a little girl," Hoseok's wife added. You smiled, gently rubbing your little baby bump and thinking about Jimin with a little girl. 

"She would be so cute. A total Princess," Y/B/F/N giggled.

 A total Princess," Y/B/F/N giggled

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Your eyes were scanning over the menu in front of you while you unconsciously rubbed a hand around your belly, chuckling slightly when you heard the growl.

"I know babies, you're hungry," You cooed quietly. "What do you feel like today?"

You were out at a cafe with Jungkook's wife, having breakfast while both your husbands was in the studio. And while you'd have usually gone straight for the pancakes lathered in whipped cream and fresh strawberries, you kept going back to the scrambled eggs and bacon. You had never really been a savory sort of breakfast person, not really enjoying the salt that early on in the pregnancy, but ever since you got further into the pregnancy it was like you couldn't get enough of it.

When the waiter came back around you read off your order, glancing strangely at Jungkook's wife as she raised her eyebrows.

"You know what craving savory means right?" She asked with a smile on her face.  

"That I'm hungry?"

"It means you're probably having a little boy."  

"Really? But I'm pregnant with twins."

"Then perhaps you're having two little boys."

You looked down at your bump, rubbing circles above your belly button and finding it hard to wipe the smile off your face. You'd always wanted to have a little boy and the thought of having two made you happy and you knew that was what Taehyung really wanted, even though he'd be just as happy with two daughters or one of each. You hoped that it was true, you could already see it, two mini Tae's chasing his Taehyung around, the splitting image of each other.  

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