Labor Pt 1

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My mock exams are almost over.....and so is this book, I can't believe it's almost over already!

Jimin: (Changed Jimin's from a birth center to a home birth)

You stood beside Jimin and looked around the big room filled with people who have been apart of BTS success over the years. Jimin wrapped his arm around your waist, resting his hand on your hip. With you due date less than a week away, Jimin insisted that you stay home, but you wanted to go out one last time before the baby arrived. But was even better about today, it was to celebrate Jimin's birthday also.

"Congratulations Jimin, another successful year of BTS and happy birthday" the man said before walking towards the bar.

Suddenly you felt an odd tightening in your lower stomach. You placed your hand over the spot, humming softly as the pain faded. You had been feeling little twinges of pain all day, not wanting to worry Jimin, you looked around the room if there was somewhere you could sit down and hopefully they would stop. 

"Baby, are you alright?" he asked, noticing you were quiet. You ignored him and moved your hand around your stomach, feeling how tight it was. 

"Y/N, baby, whats wrong?" he repeated, gently rubbing your back.

"I think I'm having contractions," you whispered. 

"Are you sure they aren't practice ones again?" he asked. You took a deep breath and looked up at his contact blue eyes. 

"They have gotten stronger since we've been here," you said, panic in your voice, "I think they're real." 

Jimin froze and his face went pale; this couldn't be happening right now, not out in public. As you felt another contraction build in your lower stomach, you squeezed his hand tightly, snapping him quickly out of his thoughts. 

"It's ok baby, deep breathes," he soothed, holding you against him, "Shall we call the midwife and head home?" 

You nodded and rested your head on his chest. He looked around the room and luckily caught the eye of Taehyung who was talking to Jin and his wife. He gave Taehyung a small nod and looked from him to you, letting him know what was going on. Within seconds Taehyung was beside you and Jimin. 

"I need my car now," Jimin said, rubbing your back softly. 

"Looks like my god daughter is on her way," Taehyung said, rubbing your arm, before running away to get the car ready for you out the front.

(I know Jimin hasn't got his drivers license just go with it 😂)

(I know Jimin hasn't got his drivers license just go with it 😂)

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You bit your bottom lip as the pain faded on your lower stomach. You took a deep breath and sighed; of course the twins wanted to come in the middle of the night. 

"Tae," you said, reaching over and tapping his shoulder. He mumbled into his pillow. 

"Taehyung," you pleaded, beginning to feel anxious that labor was actually starting, "Please Tae." You gently sat up and pulled the blanket off him and shook his shoulder. He slowly opened his and sleepily rubbed them trying to see you in the dark bedroom. 

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