Chapter 2

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"So what are you guys doing today?" Rodney asked the robots.

"We're doing it." Fender smiled, pouring Aunt Fanny's broiled grease onto his rusty body.

"What about you?" She asked Rodney, enjoying the grease as well.

"Mr. Bigweld's disappeared and you're just sitting here." Rodney stated, almost confused by the fact that the robots seemed to care so little.

"I think that's already been established." Fender raised one of his metal brows.

"Well I gotta find out what happened to him!" Rodney declared with determination. You noticed a passionate fire begin to burn in his blue eyes.

"Hey, you want my advice?" Crank spoke up.

A small smile came to Rodney's face. "Sure!"

"Forget it." Crank snapped. "Never try, never fail. Those are the words I live by."

"Crank, the idol of millions is gone and no one seems to care!" Rodney threw his arms up in the air in disbelief. You noticed him glance at you for a quick second, causing you to look back down at your empty cup.

"There should be an angry mob out there!" Rodney continued, gesturing to the window. He took a double take when he looked out the window, surprised to see a bunch of angry robots running down the streets as they yelled.

The robots rushed out the door to the outside. Lugnut warned you to stay low before he followed the others outside. You sighed, eyeing the world outside the nearby window. It had been so long since you had ever been outside....

Aunt Fanny moved to the window, observing the angry crowd of robots outside. Using her big rear end as a way of shielding yourself, you peeled over her shoulder out the window. You watched in shock at the dozens of robots protesting outside a nearby shop.

You could faintly understand some of their distanced yells, picking up bits and pieces of their jumbled voices. By the sound of it, they were angry about not being able to get parts and being unable to afford upgrades. You heard some robots freak when they saw some huge transport trucks arrive, carrying upgrades in the trailers covered with the slogan, 'Why be you, when you can be new?'

The robots soon shifted their gaze from the shop owner to Rodney, who was standing on the sidewalk. The crowd of robots quickly approached him, all speaking at once. You watched a robot walk up to him and beg for parts just as he completely broke down, every single part of his falling to the ground.

The mob of robots cheered, "Spare parts!"

As they clambered to get their hands on the parts, you heard Rodney yell in a stern manner, "Wait a minute, wait a minute! What's wrong with you robots?"

"You should all be ashamed of yourselves!" Fender spoke up as he raised himself from the ground. You noticed a weird part sitting on his nose.

"Why do you have two noses?" You managed to hear Rodney ask.

"One's for showin' one's for blowin'!" Fender replied with a laugh. He apologized when Rodney's small robot hit him on the head, knocking the piece right off Fender's nose. You giggled softly at Fender's peculiar antics.

Your amusement subsided as the group of robots began to grow more desperate and got even closer to Rodney. Seeing his slight discomfort, Fender spoke up to defend his blue robot friend. "Back off, back off! He's got his own dreams that won't come true!"

The mob of robots sighed as they all turned and started to sulk away. As the upgrade delivery trucks pulled into the streets and made their way back down the road, you saw Rodney eye them warily as they drove off. He turned around as his eyes came to rest on the window you were looking out of.

Rodney Copperbottom x Reader (DISCOTNINUED)Where stories live. Discover now