Chapter 6

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The days continued to pass and Rodney had yet to figure out exactly what to do. He hasn't told you any plans or anything yet; you were sure he wasn't thinking about it too much. Everyday it seemed that more and more robots appeared in need of fixing. You were sure most of Rodney's attention was on the robots instead.

Soon, about a whole month passed. Your food stock quickly ran out, and today was probably about the seventh entire day you've gone without food. Let me tell you, the effects were definitely showing. You had grown much skinnier and frail, and your skin was becoming excessively pale. There was no denying that you were literally dying.

However, you couldn't bring yourself to tell Rodney. In the month that you've known him, you developed feelings for the optimistic blue robot. Of course, you didn't plan on ever telling any of the robots. The thought is ridiculous, a human and robot together. Although it hurt your weakened heart, you knew better than to tell anyone. Especially Rodney of all bots.

You didn't want to burden him with your troubles. The second your food supply ran out, you had thrown all hope out the window. Death was imminent, you could feel it in your gut. You knew you were going to die in this world, never to go back home. Sadly, you embraced it solely because you refused to tell Rodney. You didn't want him to worry about you as he had much more important things to worry about, such as the survival of his own kind.

You tried your best to hide all of the pain, though. You forced yourself to smile constantly and remain upbeat. You didn't want your friends to worry. Yes, they would at some point in the near future, but you would much rather have it be that way after you passed. You wouldn't have to feel guilty about seeing it then.

"Is there anyone else waiting?" You heard Rodney ask out into the room, breaking you from your troubling thoughts.

"Let me look." Fender replied. He walked to the window and gasped. "A few...."

Rodney approached the window and his eyes shot open. "A few!?" He asked incredulously at the thousands of robots outside.

"What did you expect, Rodney?" Piper spoke up. "Bigweld was gone, Sweepers were on the loose, but then came Copperbottom!" She squealed. "I'm getting all staticky just thinking about it!"

"I'm not Bigweld!" Rodney sighed, looking back out the window. "These robots need parts!"

"Mail call!" You all heard the blue mailbox as he wobbled into the room. "Copperbottom! This one's from your mom." He handed a letter to Rodney.

"Ooh, ooh! Is there anything for me?" Fender asked in a childish manner.

"Ooh, I got something for ya!" The mailbox mimicked before slapping Fender upside the head. "That's from my sister!" He spat.

"I recognized the handwriting." Fender mumbled, his speech slurred as he was still dazed from the hit.

You giggled before looking at Rodney. Your smile faded when you noticed his depressed face. "Is anything wrong?" Piper asked him.

Fender approached and looked over Rodney's shoulder at the letter. "I'll say." He said, carefully asking the letter from his friend. "His father's got one foot in the junkyard and if they can't find new parts for him, he's only got a few miles left."

A quiet gasp escaped your lips. "Rodney, are you really worried about your dad?" Piper asked.

"Do you wanna go home?" Aunt Fanny joined in.

"Well if I go home, I still can't help him. We're out of parts! We've gotta get to Bigweld, he's the only one that can fix this!" Rodney declared, determination lacing his words and a fire burning in his eyes.

Rodney Copperbottom x Reader (DISCOTNINUED)Where stories live. Discover now