Chapter 15

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"I'm telling ya, this is the stuff!" Fender exclaimed as he poured some of Aunt Fanny's piping hot grease onto his rusty body. The bunch of you were all sitting on the sidewalk outside the boarding house, enjoying the fresh air.

"So how's everything been recently?" You asked, pulling out a small bag of fruit snacks from your back pocket. The doctor had advised that you constantly carry food with you, and fruit snacks just seemed most efficient.

"So much better." Crank smiled.

"I can see that. You aren't as cranky anymore." You smirked, shooting him a sideways glance.

"Okay, she can go back home now."

Everyone chuckled at the interaction between the two of you. "You know you missed her." Piper smiled.

"Anyways, to answer your question," Cappy began, "nobody ever realized just how much things had changed. The Sweepers are gone, stores are flooding with spare parts, and the city actually seems to be very lively and functional."

"What about Ratchet?" You asked.

"Probably still in chains at the Chop Shop." Fender answered. "And good riddance, too!"

"Preach." You smiled. You tossed a fruit snack into the air and caught it in your mouth. "Aw yeah! Score!" You cheered as you swallowed it.

"That's the best you got?" Fender cocked a brow with a smirk.

"That a challenge?" You sneered.

"Diesel, get the bolts!" You and Fender rose from the sidewalk and walked into the empty streets. Diesel came rushing back outside with a small box of bolts. Piper came up to you as you handed her three bags of fruit snacks.

"Ready?" Lugnut called out. Diesel and Piper stood across from you and Fender, anxiously awaiting the chance to throw. You and Fender sent challenging side glares. "Go!"

Diesel threw a bolt high into the air, and Fender caught it with ease. The same went for you as Piper threw a fruit snack. This continued for a small while until Diesel and Piper began throwing multiple bolts and snacks at once.

Everything started getting a little crazy, and it didn't take long for you and Fender to literally run into each other. The two of you fell backwards onto the ground, landing on your backs. You groaned, and with perfect timing. A fruit snack came crashing into your forehead, bouncing off right into your slightly open mouth.

"Yes!" Piper cheered, throwing a triumphant fist into the air. "(Y/N) won!"

You sat up and got off the ground, dusting yourself off as Fender rose to his feet also. "Eat it, Fender!" You spat with a smirk. "That the best you got?"

"Oh, shut up and eat your fruit snacks." He laughed, but held his hand out nonetheless. You both shared a fair handshake, formally ending the challenge.

"I'd expect that behavior from Fender, but from you?" Rodney asked with amusement as you walked back over to him.

"Hey, don't underestimate me!" You smiled. Rodney rolled his eyes and gently grasped your hand.

Piper gasped with a squeal. "Oh my god, girl! I totally forgot!" She ran closer to you and hurriedly asked, "Girl talk! So are you two a thing now!?"

A blush rose to your cheeks. "W-What? Girl talk is supposed to be private!" You said, avoiding the question.

"Are you serious?" Piper scowled. She then looked at Rodney. "Have you even asked her out yet!?"

Rodney raised his hands in defense. "Um...." He was clearly awkward about the situation. "No?"

Rodney Copperbottom x Reader (DISCOTNINUED)Where stories live. Discover now