Chapter 12

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"YAS! We're here!" Fender sang as he burst into the room. You and Rodney snapped out of your slumber and bolted upright. His hand was still locked with yours. Fender's loud voice pounded against your aching head.

"Seriously, Fender?" Rodney glared.

"Rise and shine, bucko!" Fender continued. "Ready to see your pops?"

"Oh, am I ever!" Rodney smiled, livening up. He helped you up from your chair as you and the others got off the train. Everyone, although sleepy, was sharing lively chatter near the ticket booth.

"Ready to go, Rodney?" Bigweld asked.

"Yes, sir!" Rodney replied. "Let's go, gang!"

It was a short walk from the train station to the center of cute little Rivet Town. The town was very peaceful and relaxing, which was honestly a sight to see after being stuck in a bustling city for months. You didn't know how much you yearned to be in the countryside until now.

A stage was already set up in the town, as were flags and banners. You figured Bigweld had called in a favor, to which the person on the other end happily obliged to help set up. This had to have been an overnight task.

"Wanna go up with me?" Rodney asked you.

"Nah, I'll stay down here." You replied weakly. "I don't think I could handle being up there."

"Well, alright." Rodney smiled, giving you a small pat on the shoulder before walking onto the stage with Bigweld. You took your place right in front of the stage with the others. Cappy was to your left, Piper to your right.

As the town center began to fill with people, you suddenly heard a nearby call. "Rodney!?"

"Dad!" Rodney smiled. He dashed down the stage steps and approached his mother and father. He grabbed his father's hand and dragged him onto the stage, saying, "There's someone here I want you to meet!"

"Is that....?" His father gasped.

"That's Bigweld, dad. The greatest robot in the world. Besides you." Rodney smiled warmly, but you easily noticed the hidden excitement.

"I understand you need a few parts." Bigweld approached Rodney's dad.

"Well, I, huh.... I'm not one to complain, but-"

"Then don't." Bigweld interrupted, making you chuckle. "I've brought enough parts to make two of you!" The crowd laughed at his statement as two boxes of spare parts were wheeled onto the stage.

Bigweld rolled over to the microphone at the center of the stage and began to speak. "Ladies and gentlebots!" The microphone echoed really bad. "I came all this way...." Bigweld glared at the microphone before irritatingly scolding it.

He abandoned the mic and approached Rodney's parents. "Mr. and Mrs. Copperbottom, I came all this way to tell you in person that your son Rodney, the man who got me off my big titanium tuchus, is now my right-hand bot and my eventual successor."

Your eyes widened in excitement as you looked over to Rodney, seeing his expression slowly light up. The crowd cheered as Rodney's mom leaped for him, engulfing him in a hug. Rodney laughed.

"Son." His father smiled.

Rodney engulfed his dad in a tight hug, saying, "Dad, I know you kinda felt bad when I was growing up that you couldn't give me a lot of stuff. But you gave me the most important thing." Rodney pulled away to look his father in the eyes. "You believed in me."

"From the second you were born." His father smiled warmly, causing the hearts of many in the crowd to melt. You and Piper shared a small, "Aw!"

"Well, Dad, now I want your dream to come true." Rodney smiled. He approached a band member and opened the instrument case, pulling out a weird trumpet-like instrument. "Dad, you always wanted to be a musician. Now, be one!" He handed his father the instrument. "For everyone to hear!"

Rodney Copperbottom x Reader (DISCOTNINUED)Where stories live. Discover now