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"This is the third time they've cancelled. Do not, I repeat, do not make another appointment with them."

My assistant shrunk away from me as I stalked past her. Nothing was going right in this godforsaken place. Shipments were late. Orders wasn't completed. Inventory wasn't restocked. On top of it all, three women decided to be package stealers and sell the merchandise for double the money on their own time. Maybe, just maybe I will have to get a new staff.

Making my way to the elevator, the clicking of my assistant's heels followed me quickly. When the doors open and she was no where behind me, I got even more irritated.

"If you can't bloody well walk in those heels then take them the fuck off," I shouted. In truth, she couldn't. Her first day with me were flats and sensible suits, now she was totally sexified, if that's even a word. Ari has been saying that word too much around me. The once meek girl turned into a bad flirtatious girl with too much of a tight skirt.

"I do,sir. I thought maybe you want to ride the elevator by yourself," she rushed out when she finally entered the damn metal box.

"I would have told you so at the beginning," I snapped looking at my watch. It was getting near to the ending of the second shift.

"You can leave in an hour," I told her. The elevator reached my floor and quickly I rushed to my office. I suddenly had an anxious feeling rushed through my body. I brushed it off by knowing Stephen will be telling Ari about us and Raizon.
I was scared she won't see us the same. I know she came from a neighborhood with lots of gangs and all that entailed it. At One of her foster homes, her foster brother was the right hand man to a gang leader, she knew about both sides of the gang life, but not the mafia. Maybe that will soften the news a bit.

"Patience, Michael," I muttered to myself. Walking across to the sitting area of my office, I had two collage of photos, one of my family and one of my friends. It was designed to have five photos to be the main attraction with smaller ones in the back ground telling the story of our friendship. The main one was myself and the guys, freshman year in our different college T-shirts. The second one was with Arianna at our favorite coffee shop. Third was of Gianni and Stephen as a couple. Fourth was my favorite. Stephen captured Ari and I's first kiss. I can still remember that day in California. I fell for my best friend.
The last photo was of all four of us as couples at Ari's graduation.

I began to second guess the plan to connect both Raizon and Arianna. Meeting Gianni's brother at sixteen, I never got a real sense of how his mind ticked. He was so emotionless with those cold dead eyes. I've never seen him initiate contact with Gianni or portray that brotherly love I shared with my brother and sister. Family occasions he was absent, for Gianni's birthdays, he didn't visit or call, just placed cash in his account or an extravagant gift, I wonder if the guy had a fucking heart.

Ari said she saw him smirk and spoke to her like she was the only one there.

I want her to be happy. Even if it's not with me. She'll always be my first love but she won't be truly happy with me. I had to give her up to a man I don't fully trust.

Stupid, I know.

Selfless, yes.

I'm only doing this for her.

The ringing of my cellphone startled me. Turning around, I darted around my desk and lunges for it. There was a desperate feeling in me to answer that call.
I glanced at the caller ID and answered. "What is it?" I asked.

"It's Ari and Stephen. Go to St. Helen's. I'm on my way," was the reply from Gianni. The same desperation that I felt, I heard it in his voice. Without saying anything, I ended the call got my keys and rushed out my door.

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